Shotcut 'Multi-Tracking'

I’m not aware of a Shotcut-specific tutorial for this technique. But some of the other regulars here may be able to post a screencast that demonstrates it. I am currently mobile and don’t have a computer to run Shotcut on.

Thanks Austin. Anybody up for it (please)?


I am up for it, I will make a tutorial for it soon when I buy a new stick of ram for my PC as my current one is cracked, I think I will do it in 2 days or so.

Thanks very much indeed, Ar_D - that is incredibly helpful. 2 days fit just perfectly with the requirement I have to meet.

It’s good to know there are good people out there.


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I bought a new ram stick yesterday and recorded it also yesterday, I (Actually the person I have hired…) edited my video and it’s now on YouTube, You can now follow it:-


Yeah, two tracks like you showed is a better method than Detach Audio if there is going to be a long stretch of interview speech or B-roll. Good tutorial.

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Hi Arpit & Austin,

Arpit’s tutorial looks to be exactly what I need. I am in meetings right now … I’ll try it out asap and get back to you.

Thank you SO much.


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Mainly for Arpitt…

Your tutorial was utterly bang-on - thank you so much. It all works a treat.

I have one further question: When I try to export my edited movie to my pc’s memory, I need it in MP4 format. The Shotcut software allows me to select MPEG4 but when I identify where in my file structure to place the file, Windows only lets me select saving it as AVI or ‘All Files’ - but either way, when it is saved, it only ever goes into my files as an AVI format.

How can I get around this please?



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So even after selecting mp4 and all files while export, it just exports in .avi, I think you are checking the wrong file or while selecting mpeg4 in export tab you do not go to the advance tab under export tab to manually check what file type it’s exporting (checking what file type in the advance tab is required, because sometimes we change the setting of a preset and then forget it, So it just exports the type we set until we change it) . But if you have done everything right then you can just right click on the export job shown in shotcut and then click on view log, then copy and paste the text shown in log file or just upload it in the topic so that I can get a better idea of what’s happening while export.

Glad to hear that.

I was interested in the tutorial because I’d been trying to figure out how this could be done but unfortunately, it’s been set to Private on Youtube - I hope that’s only temporary…

Hello @Marik , Sorry for the disappointment you faced.
I made it private because I made the same video with better audio quality you can check that out here:-

Or you can go to the topic where I have posted the same video:-

And I will make the video unlisted so that everyone can see the old video with the link.

Congratulations!!! :partying_face: :partying_face: (Just for fun).

I made the old video unlisted so if you now click that video you will be able to see that one but I still recommend to watch my new video which has audio improvements. (This time serious, Not so serious)

Well, I’d guessed that that might have been the reason but didn’t want to presume by saying so!
Brilliant work, thanks so much for helping out.
I shall enjoy trying it out.

[watched the video]
I’d actually worked that one out when experimenting but I there was another side to it that was so fiddly to do, that I hoped this would be the solution. I’ll give an example.
Imagine a choir singing on one track and the speaker on the other track.
To get the choir sound to become audible in the (different length) pauses of the speaker, I could only think to use the audio keyframes on the choir track and change volume manually.

You can imagine that was a terrible job and I wondered if there was another way?

It’s called ‘ducking’ if working with just audio.
Is there a ducking filter? (I looked but not seen that name)

You can also go to audacity for this, just get the audio of your video which you can do by exporting as mp3 in shotcut and then just open audacity and create two audio tracks and then add the audio, at last select the track which is on the top and go to effects than ducking in the filters menu and this will do everything automatically for you.

And also the best thing is that you can remove any noise coming from your choir background to make it more clear.

I also recommend to get a seperate program for audio editing so that you get the full control to your audio and get the best effects possible. It could be paid like Audition or logic Pro x and free like audacity.

Ah, I didn’t know you could export the audio and yes, Audacity will do this.
I shall try it out (and let you know of any sync problems when I add the audio back in LOL)

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