1.From time to time when launching “Shotcut”, I get this notice that program failed to connect to… to chk version. Internet is connected all the time.
Attached screenshot.
2. Launching the program takes 10 to 20 seconds and sometimes even longer. Is it normal ?
Answers will be appreciated.
Program’s version 20.06.28
OS win 10 1903 x 64
Please turn off your internet connection and try again.
The first thing I did (more then once) before posting the issue.
And what about the slow launching of the program ?
On my system that has an SSD, not a physical disk drive, it takes about 8 seconds. Most of that time its status is “Loading Plugins”. I personally don’t think this is an unreasonable amount of time for Shotcut to initialise itself.
As a comparison I opened Paintshop Pro and that took 20 seconds to initialise.
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