Shotcut is dysfunctional on my Windows 10 system

I’ve been trying to use ShotCut on my HP Spectre X360 laptop, but it crawls and does not respond to commands. It crashes sometimes, but basically I just can’t get it to function. I’ve used it on mu MacBook Air and it’s pretty functional there, so I know it must be something about the Windows system. It’s a Core i5 with an Intel 5500 integrated graphics system and 8GB of RAM. Any insights? Thanks.

Hi, with the symptoms you explain it’s not easy to help. I have a pretty similar CPU and RAM configuration and I don’t have the problems you describe.

My first suggestion is for you to reinstall Shotcut and in the install options check the clean up of the registry configurations. Then try again to edit something in Shotcut preferable something simple just to verify if the problems still happens.

Like many laptops, HP bundle plenty of HP branded cr*pware. I’d either uninstall it all or at least disable it from starting with Windows (you can use Ccleaner for this).
Also make sure your system is malware free, it’s incredibly easy to pick up malware on the web these days, regardless of having and up to date Anti-Virus installed. Malwarebytes is a trusted tool to check for and remove malware.
Make sure the HD Graphics 520 drivers are up to date.
Finally, run the Shotcut installer as Administrator (right-click -> Run as Administrator) then start the program as administrator for the first time (right-click -> Run as Admin…) This ensures all the correct permissions for Shotcut are sorted.

Thanks. I tried this, but sadly it has not helped much.

Thanks. I have checked which programs to remove and checked for Malware, Also re-installed as Admin and restarted. Nothing seems to help.