Shotcut GUI font size / scaling

i am using a monitor with a resolution 250 x 1440 with Win 10. Is there any way to scale the GUI font size of Shotcut without changing the general Windows 10 - scaling options or the display resolution?

Not easily, but Shotcut uses the Qt GUI library, and there are some environment variables explained in this Qt blog post.

I just found a nice workaround for Windows 10 1809. Windows offers some settings to scale text and app icons for high dpi resoluition monitors.
So i use the native resolution of my monitor 2550x1440 and set Windows to scale text by 125%.
Right click the shortcut for ShotCut -> Properties > Compatibility -> High DPI Settings -> Overwrtie DPI - Settings with System
Thats it. Most Text of ShotCut Gui is now scaled up to 125 %

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