What is your operating system?
Windows 10 21H2 Build 19044.1415
What is your Shotcut version (see Help > About Shotcut)? Is it 32-bit?
21.12.21 64-bit
Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?
(Please be specific and use the names as seen in Shotcut, preferably English. Include a screenshot or screen recording if you can. Also, you can attach logs from either View > Application Log or right-click a job and choose View Log.)
The meta data for shotcut.exe is largely missing. See the attached image. Descriptions and versions are particularly missing. The software update monitor app I use relies on this meta data being there. I assume other such apps are expecting this data to be there. On top of that, it’s seemingly the norm for this data to be filled in. I consider this a minor issue but I assume it would be easy to fix.
I think my contribution here is alerting you to the minor issue. I haven’t done software development in many years and wasn’t looking to get back into it, at least anytime in the foreseeable future.