Shotcut Customization/Skins

So… Shotcut. A good and reliable video editing software.
I like it, matter of fact LOVE the software. But… there’s something missing.

Look at this image.
Shotcut looks quite plain, doesn’t it? I think we need more customization, and not just the color changes. A more modern look.
I thought of this idea while scrolling through osu! skins. osu! is a rhythm game, but I won’t go into further detail. What’s important here is the beatmap selection menu. osu!'s look is very ugly and plain, but it lets users customize almost every element inside the game. Here’s an osu! skin (beatmap selection menu)

I’m thinking something like this. Fully customizable UI for shotcut. Maybe in the Resources section, if one was to ever be posted.
All I’m asking is something not too decorative or distracting, just something to spice up the editor. I know different people have different styles and prefrences, so I personally think this would be really handy. :thinking:
That’s all I wanted to say.
also please add .aac support i have a bunch of .aac audio files and i’m not converting all of them :sob::sob:

The thing is that, giving full customization like this is very hard, incredibly hard… And will require you to be very much more then a end user to use, at that point you could just edit the source code yourself to do what you want and it would be better … Everyone piano does this theme thing great because it has everything fixed at a place (I myself use a plain black flat theme) , but shotcut allows remove and add certain windows that makes it even harder.
And the theme you showed, holy cow… That thing is overly done, and takes a second mind to understand :no_mouth::skull:
It’s more of a game menu then a software theme. Not happening in shotcut until someone really likes that theme, I am pretty sure Dan and Brian could probably work on more customizations perhaps in future, but not that theme. Changing colors is the type of theme video editors usually have…

Aac one is a good suggestion though.

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You can use a different software to mass convert them in once… Until shotcut supports Aac.

You can batch convert them today in Shotcut using the Resources Dialog


I don’t use shotcut anymore, so bit old on the knowledge… I mean I just don’t know what’s currently happening, and a lot of things that were in shotcut…

Here’s a better example of what I want, I used one of the most recently posted skins in the image you were talking about; there are lots of skins out there that are
more detailed than this, but this is the type of theme I’m aiming for, considering Shotcut being an editor.

I also like the Microsoft Clipchamp UI.

This is theme could only be valid for the playlist (and probably the player) , not the whole ui. I am afraid if this is even practical…

It holds back shotcut in a lot of ways, not mentally correct ui for a professional editing tool. I would rather prefer this to happen in something like windows movie maker.

I mean shotcut can’t copy, shotcuts ui is pretty modern and flat. More customizable stuff is hard to implement and takes time, and I don’t think they will add this to the list this quickly… They haven’t even added custom color change in the road map for visually impaired users which is a must, yours will probably take much longer time to get accepted.