Shotcut Crushes (collapses) under Linux Mint 20.3

Hello everyone,

I tried to help myself elsewhere but I cannot solve this on my own.

I worked for over one year very satisfying with Shotcut. It worked
reliable and fast. A wonderful Open Source program, no doubt!

But now I switched to Linux Mint, installed Cutshot and opened it.
I added an audio-line (audiotrack) at the bottom. No problem, fine.

But if I add a new video-track … the program IMMEDIATELY
CRASHES without warning and I find myself back on the desktop
of my Linux Mint Cinnamon.

First I deinstalled Cutshot and removed all remains of that installation.
I downloaded and installed anew. Same result, BRUTAL CRASH.
Resume: I can add an audiotrack but not a video-track in Cutshot.

Has anyone else experienced a similar disappointment?


Klaus Nomi

Did you install the build provided by us from this page?

Also, please edit your question to have the right name. The name is “Shotcut”, not “Cutshot”

If you are using the shotcut debian package you need to also install frei0r-plugins. The program requires it at runtime, but the package maintainers did not add it as a dependency in that old version no longer maintained. (It was fixed in Ubuntu 22.04)

No, I used the program offered by the application-repository in Linux.

Why is this site CONSTANTLY repeating the statement that this
wonderful video-editor’s name is NOT Cutshot? I did not use the
wrong name, but the hint “Shotcut (!) NOT Cutshot” is repeated
over and over again. Annoying. But back to your question.

Would you accept a bet that - if I install Shotgut (hae hae) will
not perform as shot in the knee if I installed it a third time from
here ( I would offer you 3 Dollars if you are right
but would take only one Dollar in return if I am right and it
crashes again exactly the same way as before…

Maybe it is a tiny error in my Linux-installation. Or the hardware?
Who knows? Not me. No one? It is simply only guessing in
this moment, no more. If there were only 10 other Linux-Users
with the same problem I could be lucky and be offered a solution.

But not if I stay alone with this problem.

As so often in my life.

OpenShot was used by me under Windows. I produced 2 short
movies with it. But Openshot has other stability-flaws which are
deeper and difficult (to impossible) to overcome.

Kind regards


Hello Shotcut Leader,

“Runtime” is not an expression with which I am particularly familiar
with. But I learned so far (I use Linux Mint since two weeks) that my
Linux Mint is an extension of Ubuntu. In so far, if I use the build-
in “application repository” in Mint 20.3 (english is not my mother-
language, maybe the translation into english is different) I think
that they (the makers of Mint) do not offer the debian variant in
that “application repository”. In so far I find your contribution to
my problem a little bit too theoretically.

If you are the Shotcut-Leader I would like to know (again) if I
am the only person with this extremely noticeable and distinctive
problem, which is so, aeh. clear-cut as only very few other
software glitches. This is not a problem that is complex,
difficult to pinpoint or difficult to repeat, but rather an abrupt,
violent, uncompromising crash.

Once (in another forum) you wrote that there is a tiny amount
of inexplicable things that one cannot explain. That was honest.

Do not get me wrong. But the loss of this terrific video-editor
would be a serious blast for me. With every day that goes by
I see how much more value Linux offers to me and how much
Microsoft and Windows have abused me over the last 20 years.

The worst outcome would be that I purchase a new computer
with Windows (against my conviction) to only and exclusively
run Shotcut on that new computer. That would convict me to
a life in technical schizophrenia. To say it in a pathetic tune.

Kind regards


Mint is based on Ubuntu, which uses the Debian package format. Install “frei0r-plugins” to fix the problem.

The answer is “no.” I do not control Mint, Ubuntu, or Debian. I already told them how to fix it, and they did. But you choose to continue to use an old version of Mint and to not use a build that we provide on our download page, which is what we recommend. However, our downloadable builds are not as easy and convenient to use for someone who only understands how to launch an application from the system menu. It is your choice.

Ok, so I’ll download your Shotcut package from and I’ll also install “freiOr-plugins” and check whether that prevents the abrupt crash. You can take my 3 to 1 bet literally, because I donated not much, but 100 euros each to Scribus and to Shotcut.

Otherwise, your answer is either complete wrong in one respect and unfortunately also particularly arrogant. If you think it’s helpful to elevate yourself above other users because it satisfies your ego to pigeonhole helpseekers in this Forum … QUOTE: “for someone who only understands how to launch an application from the system menu.” in a waz that borders on insult, then maybe you should try some meditation. I bought my first computer in 1977, a Tandy TRS80 with 16 KB RAM, a string floppy, a Zilog 8 bit processor and the well-known CP/M operating system. Back then, Microsoft was 2 years old and you weren’t much older or even not on earth? In 1978 I bought a WANG computer for 28,000 German marks, the equivalent of around 14,000 euros, with 2 flobby disks (300 KB each), a Zilog CPU, CP/M Operating System and 64 (!) kilobytes of random access memory (RAM).

If you think you’re more intelligent than I am, go ahead, son. But beware not to crash yourself on this course.

But back to the topic and the error analysis in this case. I later worked in a company in which 129 Windows devices (then Windows 3.1) were connected to 2 Unix servers. Crashes appeared there like tsunamis. You could see them coming. The egg timer moved slower and slower, the letter input crawled and due to the overload everything crashed in such a way that it could be predicted a few minutes in advance.

But here we have the absolute opposite.

If I open an audio track and nothing happens because Shotcut accepts that, then the mechanism seems to relate specifically to the opening of the video track. Because the crash occurs so hard and quick like a lightning strike, I instinctively suspect (and my instincts have developed quite well in over 45 years of daily computer use) that there may actually be really a hardware failure.

Now you write in your inimitably humble way that QUOTE “you told them long ago that you would repair it and that they did it, too.” QUOTE END. Do you even realize how illogical that is? Are you Trump or are you Jesus?

If you had done that, then we wouldn’t have this problem at all. Don’t act like you know everything! I also don’t continue to use QUOTE “an old Mint version”, as you state in your last reply, instead I use version 20.3 Cinnamon, build 5.8.4. In fact, this is the most current version available. But you don’t read messages at all. I have shared my Linux Mint version information here. Then what’s the point of all this?

Since the source code is open (thank God), a programmer would have to see what hardware is addressed next after the command (open new video track) is placed into the computer. This is the only way to find the error. It wasn’t that easy or convenient to get to grips with the CP/M operating system in 1978; my existence was at stake.

Don’t worry, son, I’ll manage to install the builds somehow. So I will comply with both of your suggestions and, once completed, will probably get back to you the day after tomorrow, Saturday, January 27, 24.


No, it is not. I do not know your skill level, and I know Linux users who fit this description. You over-reading tone into my reply.

QUOTE “you told them long ago that you would repair it and that they did it, too.” QUOTE END. Do you even realize how illogical that is?

But that is not what I wrote. Yes, that is illogical, but you misquoted me. Since you have so much computer experience, surely you know how to copy and paste; so, I wonder if that was intentional. Look, this page shows the Ubuntu 20.04 Shotcut package and its dependencies: frei0r-plugins is not included. Then, the Ubuntu 22.04 Shotcut package does include frei0r-plugins. I do not control the Ubuntu 20.04/Mint 20 package dependencies; I only control our builds.

I also don’t continue to use QUOTE “an old Mint version”, as you state in your last reply, instead I use version 20.3 Cinnamon

The latest version of Mint is 21.3, which is based on Ubuntu 22.04.

At this point, I am wondering if you are trolling us especially considering how this started out:

Not only did you use the wrong name (I fixed the subject line) but a search shows how wrong you are:

One other thread besides this. If you continue in this manner, I will block you here for a little while.

Dear Brian,

Oh, Oh … ashes over my head.

This time I was badly wrong.

My praised gut feeling mislead
me this time. A MAN has to admit
his mistakes. I was completely
wrong this time, Brian.

So you won the bet and now
I have to pay you $3. After I
downloaded and unpacked the file
from this site FORUM SHOTCUT.ORG
the videobeast ran without errors
straight away. I quickly composed
a 10 seconds film with sound and
writing, then exported it. Superb!

So I don’t need FreiOR plugins or
a second windows-computer.

Yes, that gives me something to
think about, because despite being
72 years old, my instincts betrayed
me this time. I was simply wrong.

I’ll get in touch with you again on
Saturday. Then I will donate another
100 euros straight away to Shotcut.

Until then (Saturday Jan 27) I will
also compose a friendly contribution
for Shotcut Leader. I would like to
clear some misunderstandings.

Klaus Nomi

Deep night now. Shotcut runs great now but Shotcut
Leader would like to shoot me for my Superficiality.

So you fixed the headline from Cutshot to Shotcut for me?

Embarrassing. Yes, I’m ashamed. The actual upgrade is
21.3 and not 20.3 ? Ok, Here too, I have to admit that
you are right again. A lot to swallow, indeed.

But I think that my version 20.3 was not to blame for this
software error. I still don’t understand why this buggy
version of Shotcut is kept in the “packaged” Linux software
repository. Maybe that can be clarified. I have a site that
I programmed on my own, to promote my only book.

It’s OK, seems like just some confusion and humor lost in translation. Glad to hear you got it going.

When I look back at my behavior in this forum after 2 days, I can only be surprised at my macho attitudes. I’ve been moving around this forum like an elephant in a china shop.

What I accuse others of, namely fleetingness, superficiality, aggressiveness, carelessness, sloppiness, prejudice… all of these negative characteristics I am guilty of myself. I practiced all of this myself here and lived it out uninhibitedly. This morning I barely wanted to look at myself in the mirror. Something like that really bothers me. And at my age. No joke. It should be a lesson to me. If an old man like me can still learn any lessons.

This forum is really something special. How many times in the last 40 years have I been advised to simply reinstall software when I have problems and then hope that it will work out? And how often did that help? 1 time out of 10 maybe. At most.

Not more often. That was completely different here. I also had to get proof that I had written Cutshot instead of Shotcut. Without the written evidence from Shotcut-Leader, I would never have believed it! What is that? Incipient dementia? Rather not. It must be something like rigidity of age. Well-rehearsed, firmly anchored prejudices.

The bottom line is: I was quite an idiot. There’s no other way to say it.

In the summer of 1961, my father spent an hour trying to teach me what “Multiplication” was, the mathematical function. Little has changed since then. When Shotcut Leader tries to explain to me 60 years later the various layers of interconnectedness between Debian, Ubuntu and Cinnamon, the integration of the “frei0r plugins” into this mélange and why it has to be exactly this way and not otherwise - then I can hardly follow his explanations.

I didn’t understand multiplication as a child; it was so terrible that I never forgot it again. I didn’t understand it! The worst thing was when, after an hour of agony, my mother left the table where she, my father and I were sitting, shaking her head and sighing, saying that I had lost all the hops and malt. Decades later, I saw such a scene a second time in the film biography of the pianist and singer Ray Charles, whose mother had made similar comments to her son.

Feelings of inferiority were unavoidable and these particularly applied to the subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry. My school years were the worst time of my life mainly for this reason. I wasn’t booked as the winner. Back in 1966, when I was 13, I bought the Beatles’ LP “Rubber Soul” with my pocket money. My mother had already been dead for five years. In the same year I attended a Rolling Stones concert in the Ernst-Merck-Halle.

And ultimately I’m too stupid to even play chess. It’s that simple. I proved this irrefutably in the long-term test. And that also applies to the subjects of chemistry and physics. For example, to this day I still don’t understand how electricity works and why a light bulb burns. The debacle of my childhood of not understanding multiplication was later repeated in other areas. I have read 20 times how electricity works. But I still don’t understand it!

With my kind of intelligence I couldn’t get a stab anywhere. I would never have invented the wheel. And yet: When I started my own company in 1999. I was online at my web address, I had programmed all the HTML and Perl elements myself, without any outside assistance, just with the help of two books. Despite my cognitive deficits, my website in 1999 was visually and functionally better designed than the website of the global company Mercedes-Benz AG from Sindelfingen, Germany. How was that possible? - Ask Mercedes. It was probably my obsession. The furious, sheer desire to be first on the internet.

Still, I smell better than I think. So far that hasn’t changed. I can still detect tiny traces of scent, almost like a dog. If I walk along an avenue here when there is no wind, I can smell the cars (diesel/petrol) parked in front of the terraced houses and the dinners being served in the respective apartments. I can smell a burning cigarette from over 100 meters away! I painstakingly taught myself everything in the IT sector. If I’m going to learn at all, I have to teach myself.

I have to try it out in practice. Most of the time this works, but not always. The older I got, the more confident I was in assessing what was still possible cognitively and for what I was too stupid to do it. I simply tried to replace the lack of intelligence with experience. But when I was only 12 years old, I saw again and again, even outside of school, that I was downright stupid. Two purchases of Faller model kits were unforgettably bad. These were small boxes that were available and sold in toy stores and whose contents had to be assembled according to the instructions. These puzzle pieces depressed and disillusioned me and finished me off. I couldn’t put it together and my father couldn’t help either. Many similar bankruptcies followed in my life and my previous posts in this forum are the latest, most up-to-date evidence of this.

Another kind word to the shotcut or video leader. Since I was unable to learn higher-level programming languages such as C++ or Java due to my math deficits and never got beyond my rudimentary BASIC, you were instinctively right in your assessment that all I could do was lie down in a bed made up of the softened Linux Mint and that I couldn’t get past clicking on pre-cut finished products. You thought falsely taht I’m the type of person who tears open a frozen meal and heats it up and then thinks to be a 3-star chef. In 1986 I acquired two strategically chosen programs, namely “dbase 3” and “Framework II” - both from Ashton-Tate. A year later I replaced the “dBase” with the twice-fast relational database program “FoxBase”, which even had its own compiler. Programming a relational database is simpler and more powerful than the old BASIC ever was. The program combination mentioned is still good today when it comes to streamlined word processing. Since Microsoft has discontinued active support for their old operating system MS-DOS, I downloaded the “DOS-Box-0.74” ( for free from the Internet.

I still work today with the old programs that I bought in 1986. I am practicing something that is considered impossible. I have been working with the same PC programs almost every day for 36 years, even if only in the areas of arithmetic and writing, instead of wasting my time constantly relearning and constantly upgrading and updating. It helps that Ashton-Tate has been bankrupt for decades. This means that their “update neurosis” is literally buried forever.

Most modern software “updates” are as nonsensical as a second appendix. Some are not only unnecessary, some are even significant steps backwards compared to previous versions. This is certainly true in the Windows area. I may now work even faster and more efficiently with my Framework-Foxbase-database combination than any competitor with a modern Office package. This is because while I am still writing in the text, I can address relational database fields and integrate them into the text. Framework’s macro language was specifically designed to interact with the database interface. The company later went bankrupt only because most customers believed Microsoft’s marketing promises. Ashton-Tate and Borland’s programs were often technically better than Microsoft’s. But Microsoft had both hands on MS/DOS. Ultimately, the company founded in 1975 was able to conquer the whole world because every IBM-compatible PC needed MS/DOS. This is by far the most important reason for their success. Then Windows.

In Germany, only the CCC was aware of the cultural background of microtechnology, which was still completely missing from the Greens. The hippie movement started from Berkeley in San Francisco. Steve Jobs and other pioneers like Ray Kurzweil and Jaron Lanier came from the hippie tradition and wanted to finally operate the personal computer under their own control. That was their main motive. They wanted to achieve exactly this emancipation from the military-industrial complex - and nothing else.

It was undisputed among the PC revolutionaries at the time that this “democratization” should necessarily go hand in hand with the simplification of computer applications, dear Shotcut Leader. Your name has a strangely dangerous sound to the ears of a German. But that’s only on the sidelines. Luckily you’re not German. The pioneers have already fought the battles for simplified operation. For decades. And after 40 years, some old student comes along and simply lies down in the comfortable bed made by the application repositories in Linux Mint, for whose existence the pioneers and probably also the Shotcut leader himself had to fight for years. He comes along without any achievement of his own and demands the comfort that others have built for him. It’s completely understandable, this attitude. It’s true. Factually that is correct. You just have to be careful that you don’t get caught up in your need for justice and truth and end up becoming something like the doctrinaire preacher of a Puritan religious community, who preaches pure doctrine to his sheep in a black gown with a raised index finger. And so the democratic goals, the wishes and dreams of the pioneers are reversed into their exact opposite, namely the rigid attitude of the military computer complex and their respective developers in the mid and late 1960s, the evil monopoly of power, from which the pioneers absolutely had to break out.

Many waves of ups and downs repeat themselves in history.

They, who saw the device primarily as an empowerment tool, at the same time the Apple II came out. It was what was then the instrument of self-liberation from the traditional power structures of big industry. The pioneers finally wanted to work with their own computers and no longer beg for hourly access time in the universities. They wanted their own tools. The liberal, often even anarchistic spirit of companies like Apple or Google still bears witness to the free-spirited roots of these pioneers. The practical and theoretical pioneers of the hi-tech movement were even able to make their libertarian ideas the basis of the first Internet regulation passed by the US Congress in 1996. This regulation was virtually free of any rules compared to the previous regulations that had been in place before to regulate the press, radio and television. Everything was supposed to be done more liberally and without paternalism. Two diametrically opposed, essentially even hostile movements suddenly grew together and merged. In a stunning unique way.

Firstly, the freethinking of the former hippies and secondly, the neo-liberalism of the Chicago boys around the economist Milton Fridman. Only because of this and only from this mixture could the most free medium in the world emerge as it appears to us today.

All these libertarian dreams of democracy and justice and freedom have long since been lost in the strict, bone-hard commercialism and paternalism of Billions of Windows users and the strictly proprietary operating systems of all unsuspecting customers of the giant Apple imperium.

Why did it happen like this?

The answer could be: “Communication is not just pleasant.” True, as you can easily see from my thoughtless statements in this forum. In 1986 it was still said: “No powerful person, no person of power, wants systems in which he is confronted with the diverse will of the grassroots.” -

That’s what people thought 1986, around 7 years before Tim Berners-Lee developed his HTML for simplified communication at the Cern in Geneva, thereby making the Internet possible for practical use. With all sympathy, you can see how wrong this statement is 37 years later when you look at Donald Trump’s ex-Twitter account (now “X”). - That was simply unimaginable back then.

1986 the German members of the CCC even went so far as to say that “the computer could help to put democracy on a new basis”, although even then they had to know full well that the computer was just a tool. Of course, since the terrorists in the Middle East began showing their beheadings and bomb-making instructions on the Internet, we all know this now. Sleight of hand. You’re always wiser afterwards. The Poles at that time moved between total denial and technical-romantic enthusiasm. I don’t hide the fact that for me the “pure tool” was ultimately much more than just a hammer or a new toasterand rather a promise to liberate oneself.

The PC was certainly an empowerment tool of first order, gradually virtually replacing one technical device after another. First the typewriter, then came VisiCalc, the spreadsheet that allowed financial simulations that had never existed before. Programmable, relational databases followed. Then the technical draftsman was replaced, the typesetting studio, the printing shop with whose help I typed my 800-pages book, the same printing shop where you still ordered your letterhead back then, the fax, then the sound and photo studio including the darkroom . After all, films could be edited on the PC and you could also be defeated at chess. Still questions?

I’ll also donate my 100 euros! Promised!

Kind regards,

Thomas - alias Klaus Nomi.

Very interesting. I had similar experiences years ago, writing for dBase III, Apple IIe, Mac LC II, Tandy 200 laptop, and TRS80. Writing for those systems was nice because the hardware was fixed and updates were almost non-existent. Once something was learned, that information was accurate forever.

But technology has “progressed” beyond that simple world, unfortunately. Something that’s true in technology today may not be optimal tomorrow. It’s impossible to keep up and be an expert in everything. I’ve contributed to the forum for several years, and assertions I made long ago are not always true today because hardware and software advanced to a new state. I sometimes worry about new users finding my old posts and hoping they’re accurate when the landscape may have silently changed since then. And sometimes I say stuff today that gets knocked down because of details I didn’t know yet. And that’s not even getting into the AI and machine learning worlds that change literally every day.

All that to say, there are no know-it-all experts on anything these days (it’s all too complex), and an open mind with a spirit for learning is the only thing we can do. That, and accept any mistakes we make along the way. That is by far the hardest thing on the list to do, and you did it marvelously. For that, you have my respect.

It is entirely common to see Ph.D. computer science teachers call the help desk to fix a printer problem. Even the little tasks have become absurdly complex. Everybody has to check their egos at the door these days. No shame in it.

I got my start on Commodore 64 in the mid-eighties, but it was the Amiga that really pulled me into multimedia. I used Fox a little after Microsoft bought it.

install shotcut via flatpak, i use this method for years without a hitch

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