Congratulations Jon!
You need to use a monospaced font (all characters have the same width)
Congratulations Jon!
You need to use a monospaced font (all characters have the same width)
But of course! Easy! Should have thought of that! Thanks.
I did some detective work and deduced that you used the “monofonto” font. Would I be right? Elementary, my Dear Watson.
Sorry Holmes, the font I used is BEBAS NEUE.
Somewhat similar to MONOFONTO, but the characters are thinner, and have no lower case.
Puisque l’on en est à ajouter des filtres pour la décoration, voici une autre variante.
Since we are adding filters for decoration, here is another variation.
Vous êtes un bon détective, pas pour la police, mais vous savez désormais filtrer
You’re a good detective, not for the police, but you know now how to filtrate
(This is a French pun)
I used the standard “mask from file” filter in Shotcut with the standard parameter “concentric_cones_5_true(1920x1080.png”:
<filter id="filter2" in="00:00:10.000" out="00:00:10.000">
<property name="filter">shape</property>
<property name="mlt_service">mask_start</property>
<property name="shotcut:filter">maskFromFile</property>
<property name="filter.mix">00:00:00.040=0</property>
<property name="filter.softness">1</property>
<property name="filter.invert">0</property>
<property name="filter.use_luminance">1</property>
<property name="filter.resource">C:/Users/xxxxx/AppData/Local/Meltytech/Shotcut/transitions/concentric_cones_5_true(1920x1080.png</property>
<property name="filter.use_mix">1</property>
<property name="filter.audio_match">0</property>
<property name="filter.alpha_operation">overwrite</property>
<property name="shotcut:animOut">00:00:00.000</property>
<property name="shotcut:animIn">00:00:00.000</property>
Oh, yes. Sherlock got the wrong guy… but to be fair, he was a good look-alike …
LOL! I think we would probably say, “infiltrate”, but I get the joke!..
MDR ! Je pense que nous dirions probablement « infiltrer », mais je comprends la blague !..
Superb, @namna!
Interesting! So is that PNG included with the SC download?
I got mine from the Kdenlive store here:
… remembering that the standard SC “Clock Top” transition does not give a truly linear effect:
Yes, I remember the Clock “bug”, that is why I thought Dan had included the new PNG with the installation.
Just out of interest I tried creating an HTML/CSS file (no Javascript) to create a circular progress bar. It works, but unfortunately, without Javascript, I cannot get it to update the data in the centre.
:root { --start : 2; --end : 8; }
@property --progress {
syntax : '<number>';
inherits : true;
initial-value: 0.0;
@property --degrees {
syntax : '<angle>';
inherits : true;
initial-value: 0deg;
@keyframes progress { from { --progress: var(--start); } to { --progress: var(--end); } }
.progress-bar {
width : 200px; height: 200px; border-radius: 50%;
display : flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;
--progress: var(--start);
--degrees : calc(360deg * var(--progress) / var(--end));
radial-gradient(closest-side, white 79%, transparent 80% 100%),
conic-gradient(darkblue 0deg, darkblue var(--degrees), yellow var(--degrees));
animation : progress linear calc((var(--end) - var(--start)) * 1s) calc(var(--start) * 1s) forwards;
.progress-bar::before { counter-reset: start var(--start) end var(--end); content: counter(start) ' to ' counter(end); }
<body> <div class="progress-bar"></div> </body>
Looks good, @elusien. I’m sure @musicalbox would allow a use of a touch of javascript to get the data updated…
PS I tried the “Clock Top” transition first, and it still isn’t linear.
Yes me too. I only found the other problem when I made the square video.
waiting for the tutorial how to make it
OK here it is with 7 lines of Javascript.
:root { --start : 2; --end : 10; }
@property --progress { syntax: '<number>'; inherits : true; initial-value: 0.0; }
@property --degrees { syntax: '<angle>' ; inherits : true; initial-value: 0deg; }
@keyframes progress { from { --progress: var(--start); } to { --progress: var(--end); } }
#progress-bar {
width : 200px; height: 200px; border-radius: 50%; font-size: 48px; color: red;
display : flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;
--progress: var(--start);
--degrees : calc(360deg * var(--progress) / var(--end));
radial-gradient(closest-side, white 80%, transparent 80%),
conic-gradient(blue 0deg, blue var(--degrees), yellow var(--degrees));
animation : progress linear calc((var(--end) - var(--start)) * 1s) calc(var(--start) * 1s) forwards;
/*.progress-bar::before { counter-reset: start var(--progress) end var(--end); content: counter(start) ' to ' counter(end); }*/
<body> <div id="progress-bar"></div> </body>
const pbar = document.getElementById("progress-bar");
function step(timestamp) {
const prog = +getComputedStyle(pbar).getPropertyValue("--progress");
pbar.textContent = (prog.toFixed(1)).padStart(4, '0');
Marche pas chez moi, je n’ai qu’une image fixe
Don’t work at home, I only have a still image
Ça fonctionne chez moi. L’animation commence à 2 secondes, mais peut-être que c’est intentionnel.
It works for me. The animation starts at 2 seconds, but maybe that’s intentional.
It does work for me, too. Just like @musicalbox’s demo.
Windows > 2
Mac> 0
Coming soon
I notice you can change that in line 4. Replace “2” with “0”: