I really enjoy Shotcut but one of the things I really hate is it automatically plays whatever I open. Some recordings are very loud, some recordings contain conversations, so when I’m already talking on Discord at the moment I open it it’s making me confused and I answer things the person on Discord didn’t say and is confused as well, because it was audio from video…
When I open a video this way Shotcut automatically plays, is there any way to disable his behavior?
With this approach I’d have to each time I finish working on a project and I’m about to close Shotcut mute the preview first, so the next time I open a video it’s muted, then unmute to work on this video and when I’m done rendering mute it again so when I open Shotcut again it’s muted. That is some workaround…
The thing is when I have a folder of a bunch of recordings and I scroll through sometimes I open them with VLC to preview first, let’s say I preview and open 5 recordings with VLC (the same way I showed on the screenshot, right click and I pick VLC, one option below) and when I assume some video is the video I wanted to edit I right click again and open it with Shotcut this time. It’s a workflow designed by Microsoft, to open files on Windows by right clicking and picking proper app to open. But alright, if that’s too much effort for this one setting or no one else is having the same issue I have, that’s fine. I’ll try opening just Shotcut first and remember to drag & drop on timeline, thanks for quickly responding to my problem!
I will use chatgpt to write a autohotkey script, by pressing a shortcut when a file is selected, it can automatically add the video in shotcuts playlist. Though I don’t think it’s that easy to do. I will love to try.