Shotcut 23.11.29 doesn't like my computer... or vice versa

Today, for the first time in many months I got a failed export.

I upgraded Shotcut yesterday to v23.11.29
Whatever project I tried to export I got a fail notice.
Here’s the job Log for a very simple project (a 4-second color clip in the timeline)

[h264_nvenc @ 000002ab2ff48980] Loaded Nvenc version 11.0
[h264_nvenc @ 000002ab2ff48980] Driver does not support the required nvenc API version. Required: 12.0 Found: 11.0
[h264_nvenc @ 000002ab2ff48980] The minimum required Nvidia driver for nvenc is 522.25 or newer
[h264_nvenc @ 000002ab2ff48980] Nvenc unloaded
Failed with exit code -1073741819
Failed with exit code -1073741819

“The minimum required Nvidia driver for nvenc is 522.25 or newer”
Obviously this is the problem.
My actual NVDA driver version is 456.71 and the best upgrade I can find for my graphic card on the NVDA site is version 474.64.

So I guess I’m screwed :wink:
I’m really not an expert on computer hardware, so does someone have any suggestions, tips or a miraculous fix before I start looking for a new graphic card?

Did you try turning Hardware Encoding off?

Tested with just a 4-second color clip (Automatic Video Mode)

This is what I get for having Hardware Encoding on.

This is what I get for having Hardware Encoding off.

What does it show, when you click on Detect?



Oh my…

Even if I’ve probably seen that suggestion a million times on the forum, I didn’t think of trying it :no_mouth:

Thanks a lot @Hudson555x !
You’re the best :slight_smile:

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We’ll probably see a lot of posts like this, I looked around in github and it seems that the nvidia sdk had to be updated to support AV1_NVENC so now there’s a minimum driver version required.

I can confirm that av1_nvenc is detected for me in the new release on windows with latest driver.


@MusicalBox, can you report what you see when you click Detect with your driver version? I expect that previously it would detect h264_nvenc but now it will not. It would be good to confirm that.

Good point. Maybe we should have found a way to force users to re-detect with this version. But then again, that would be inconvenient for a lot of peple.

Maybe it makes sense to force shotcut to automatically check this every time it starts, but in the background, silently?

Confirmed !

In v22.12.21:

In v23.11.29:

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