Short cross-hair video title - DEMO. Possible forum challenge?

Version 20.06 and 20.07 work just fine (maybe 20.09 as well, if that’s what @jonray is running).


The “Mask: Simple Shape” filter to create thin lines and the use of both “No Sync” and “360 Transform” for vertical and horizontal animations add a lot of versatility.


Here’s my interpretation:


Wow, cool! Thanks for posting this creative variation!! :+1: Nice idea to add a camera shutter sound.

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Just following your lead

Here’s my go at this, I used GIMP
to create two images, one for the vertical line and one for the horizontal line, I animated the horizontal using the “No Sync” filter, and the vertical one using the “360: Transform” yaw property.

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Good work, @IMY, and welcome to the forum. There’s definitely less flickering if you use @dimadjdocent’s idea of the “No Sync” filter and “360: Transform” filters.

You’re too kind, @bentacular. Like the feathered lines, BTW.

Thanks, looking forward to being with you here guys.

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