Settings - Language - Russian - incorrect work

Thank you.

This rules out it being a problem with the new Qt library which was merged into Shotcut in the 210129 release.

Actually Qt was upgraded in 20.10.31:

It is normal that some parts of the UI is still in English because the translation is incomplete. Nearly all of them are incomplete:

Sorry I have not been able to figure it out.

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Let me hazard a guess.

  1. that there has been a change between 20.09.29 and 20.11.28, either in Shotcut or in Qt, in how the font is selected. Not a “bug” (probably), merely a change.

  2. That we are dealing here with multi-lingual Unicode fonts.

  3. That on most machines with Russian selected, Shotcut/Qt selects one of the commonly used fonts installed in their Windows installation. Either it picks a Russian-only font for Russian, or it picks a multilingual Unicode font in which Russian is correct.

  4. That on @novac’s machine, not finding a font it would normally choose, Shotcut\Qt is selecting a fallback (second choice, third choice, close font family) font, a Unicode multilingual font which does not actually have a Russian section. (On @novac’s Windows, this font would normally be unused.)

  5. Either that multilingual Unicode font has gibberish where Russian is supposed to be, or Shotcut/QT has somehow found its way to a symbols section of Unicode.

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