Selected Youtube Profile - ended up 360p

OK this was very frustrating after waiting for 3 hours for the video to process.

I selected the Youtube profle and did not change any defaults. It said it was 1920 x 1080, but the final video ends up being 360p.

Before I spend another 3 hours for the same results, any ideas?

The source videos are definitely high res.

This is on 17.10.02 on Linux CentOS 7.x

I did a test with 2 of the 9 source files and it came out high res as expected. So I guess I’ll just redo the original project and see what happens.

Make sure your video mode settings are correct before you import your video source/s

Do you have to double-click the profile to get it to load the settings?

If so I think that is the mistake I made - pretty sure I did not double click it the first time.

I guess that is easy for me to test.

You have to make sure you have the correct Video Mode settings. (Settings>Video Mode)
The YouTube export profile exports at the Video Mode you have pre selected before importing your video source.

Most often best to keep ‘Automatic’ selected as the Video Mode.

I did not change that (did not even know it was there until now) and just checked and it is set to Automatic.

When set to Automatic, Shotcut sets the resolution to the first file used in the project.
So if you use a 360p file first then add a 1080p file, the video mode will be 360p.

Hmmm pretty sure I don’t have any 360p unless I made a mistake when recording. Will check. I did use a photograph at the end - maybe that was it?

I bet it was the photo - it is only 600 x 371. I just removed it and am re-exporting now (after being 60% through my 2nd export - sigh)

For anyone more experienced than a first time user, I would actually recommend the opposite. If you know what output format you want, set it explicitly rather than hope that “Automatic” will always give you what you want.

Besides setting the video format, the output resolution can also be changed in the Encode panel when setting the encode parameters. Some of the presets will change the encode resolution and others will not. For example, if you click on “Sony-PSP”, the resolution will be changed to 480x272. Then, if you click on another preset, the resolution may or may not change to something else depending on whether that preset specifies the resolution. In order to get the 360p output, you may have clicked on a different preset before clicking on the YouTube preset. However, I don’t know of a preset that prescribes a 360p resolution.

I see your point Brian, but I actually think that many first time users haven’t a clue about what the input format is let alone their output. They just open a file shot on their devices (or screen capture app), edit and press Export.
Additionally, for example - the OP wasn’t even aware that the Video Mode settings existed.

It would be helpful if on import Shotcut would ask if the user wants to switch to the video mode of the file being imported.

I don’t care about input or output formats - I just want a video. I find there are way too many options for me. When I get into the nitty gritty of trying to set that stuff I need a degree in digital media. I end up with things like videos with no sound or whatever. Don’t need to understand it. Don’t want to. On Windows or the Mac you just throw stuff together and it works (not talking about Shotcut - talking about other apps I’ve used on those platforms).

I would suggest that Shotcut could hide most of that stuff until you turn it on. It is extremely confusing to someone like me who doesn’t need it. I just need a 1080p video that I can upload to youtube. Done. Don’t care what codec that is. Don’t even care about the word ‘codec’ and should not even have to know that word in order to do it.

A case in point…

How do you know the video’s resolution is 360?

That is, did something like MediaInfo say that or did YouTube say that?

In the case of YouTube, if you upload a 1080p video, it initially shows up in 360 resolution. After somewhere between a couple of hours to about a day, YouTube will process the file to 1080p.

That being said, a 1080p upload is going to be pixilated. Like this:

There is a way around this:

  1. Apply to YouTube to become an identified user. That allows you to upload really big video files
  2. Use the YouTube profile but change the resolution to 3840 x 2160 (4K). The only reason for this is to get around the worst of Youtube’s compression. You will not get higher res. than the original file.
  3. Upload the now big file that took hours to render, a few hours to upload (several GB) and be initially processed.
  4. Walk off and let YouTube churn through file for about a day or more. After that, play back the file at 4K and enjoy a clean print like this:

Youtube told me at first and yes I know it can take a while for 1080p to show up, but I then checked my local copy and it definitely was really low res. In hindsight it may have been more than 360p but it was definitely a lot lower than 1080p