Same crash multiple times when using Ripple Delete and Toggle Ripple mode and all tracks

What is your operating system?

MacOS BigSur 11.6

What is your Shotcut version (see Help > About Shotcut)? Is it 32-bit?


Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?

(Please be specific and use the names as seen in Shotcut, preferably English. Include a screenshot or screen recording if you can. Also, you can attach logs from either View > Application Log or right-click a job and choose View Log.)

The program crashes almost every time I try to ripple delete a clip using either mouse or keyboard shortcuts, when using the Toggle Ripple mode and all tracks. I say “almost” because usually, when I restart the program and try again, it works. But I have to remember to be sure I’ve saved my project before trying to do this action again!

Next time it happens I’ll copy/paste the error log and post it here. In the meantime, I’d like to know if someone has the same problem, and if there’s a way to fix it?

Thank you for your help!


Is there any specific steps anyone could do to replicate the bug?

More information would be helpful like:

  • Video Mode settings (Click on the timeline’s Ouput, then Properties)
  • Clip’s properties, (Click on each clip, then Properties, specifically FPS)
  • Any specific filters on any of the clips?
  • Are you using Proxies & Preview Scaling?
  • Anti-Virus programs turned off?
  • What type of data drive are all of the files on? (USB, HDD, SSD, NVME)
  • Computer specifications (CPU, RAM)

Thank you so much @Hudson555x for taking time to answer. Here are some of the informations:

  • Video Mode settings
    Resolution 1920 x 1080
    Format 16 : 9
    FPS 29,965748
    Mode de balayage : progressif (sorry it’s in French but I’m sure you get what it means :wink:
    Espace colorimétrique : ITU-R BT.709

  • Clip’s properties,
    It happened with both videos and still pictures.
    Obviously the pictures’ frame rate is 1 FPS. :slight_smile:
    The resolution is not the same for all the pictures I use, I’m going to check wether the picture’s resolution has an impact on the crashing or not… but I don’t think there is.
    The videos I’m using in the project have the same properties as the project’s settings. CODEC is HEVC.

  • Any specific filters on any of the clips?
    Not that I’m aware of, but again, I’ll try next time to see if it happens with specific filters or not.

  • Anti-Virus programs turned off?
    I’m working on MacOS, so I don’t have any Anti-Virus.

  • What type of data drive are all of the files on? (USB, HDD, SSD, NVME)
    The videos are on a SSD plugged on the USB-C port of my iMac, the pictures are on the internal SSD of my computer.

  • Computer specifications (CPU, RAM)
    CPU 4,2 GHz Intel Core i7 quatre cœurs
    RAM 32 Go 2400 MHz DDR4

I hope this can help !
Thank you again.


Does it show “variable” next to the frame rate for your videos?

No, it doesn’t!

I have to confess something I’ve thought of only today, that could maybe explain the problem…

I have recently updated my computer to MacOS BigSur. I thought I had restarted my computer since this big update, but then today I had a doubt, and it turns out I had not… So I’ll let you know, if the problem does not occur again, maybe it was just that… (shame on me if it is :sweat: :see_no_evil:)

I had no time to work on the project today, but I will tomorrow, and let you know wether it happens again or not.


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You also might want to try placing your videos on the internal drive of your computer. The USB-C port, and the drive it’s attached to may be the bottleneck.

You can also try converting your files to edit-friendly. There is a convert button on the bottom of the properties window.

I would if I could, and I maybe will on a future computer, but right now I’m working on one that is too small compared to the volume of projects I have to work on.

That I didn’t know! Thank you for telling me, I’ll try it for my next project.

But, as for the reported bug: so far so good, I haven’t had it again since I’ve restarted the computer :confused: :expressionless:

I’ll let you know in the coming days if it were to happen again.
