Same clips near each other

I got some nice 4K-clips from the internet. Made a compilation of them in Shotcut. So I imported the clips as 4K on my timeline and once the video was ready, I rendered it, once in 4K and once in 1920x1080.

When I play the 4K and the HD video separately I see of course a great difference between both in crispy sharpness obviously…

But now I want to show this difference in image quality in ON 16:9 video, so that both 4K and HD are playing near each other.

I suppose I have to import both videos on a new project on two timelines and then use some filters to achieve what I want, but I’m lost in the possibilities for now…

Can someone help me with this topic please…?

If a 4K on left and 1080p on right split-screen is the goal, then Crop: Source to eliminate half the width of each, then Size Position Rotate to put them side-by-side. The video mode would have to be 4K and the 1080p video would have to be upscaled.

I already understand part of your explanation but not all…
Could you please be more precise or present your answer with a workflow…?

It’s just that I’m not that kind of technical guy…

Thanks so far…

Sorry about that, I’m mobile and can’t take screenshots of a Shotcut session at the moment. Perhaps another forum member can. Those names I mentioned are filters. 4K 16:9 dimensions are 3840x2160. It’s a coordinate system. 0,0 is the upper-left corner. If a 4K sample is on the left, Crop: Source will eliminate 1920 pixels from the right side of it. Then the Size Position Rotate filter will move the upper left corner to X=0 and Y=0. The 1080p sample has Crop: Source of 960 pixels on its left side, leaving behind the right side. That part is then SPR’d to X,Y 1920,0 and W,H 1920,2160 to force it onto the right-hand side of the screen.

I will try to execute your advices later on today…
Little by little, I will succeed to get what I want…
Thanks to set me on trail…

How to upscale 1080p…?

(Ok, found it…)

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