Well met and thank you for your work.
In the latest update, 24.10.29, “Lift (non-ripple delete) a transition no longer leaves a gap; the gap is filled with the adjacent clips.”
We had been using lift to quickly delete audio from a 1s transition. Our workflow usually has several tracks that we keep in time - 1 video and 2 audio tracks. Sometimes we decide in our work that the audio needs to be clipped out as we are talking during the transition, so we previously just selected the transition and lifted it, leaving a gap where the transition was, but keeping all tracks aligned in time.
We can not find an alternative that deletes the transition but leaves the gap, and we prefer that workflow.
Also, we suggest holding ALT or CTRL while dragging a fade on an audio or video track so the fade snaps to 1/4, 1/2, or 1 second increments.
Thank you for your time and your work on the best video editing software.