Release Candidate version 23.04.20

Just a side note:
if you have a number of single frame pictures, you would like to show as a video and they are named like

(number of digit dont mater)
Just import the first picture and check the image sequence in properties
Then shotcut will work with all the images as a video clip

Much easier to work with, than having every single picture on the timeline.


Problem is I need to re-position each picture individually to allign so can’t use this trick for these particular projects.

a frame is smallest unit you can have, you can’t spilt it, so it don’t make much sense to be able to zoom in so one single frame fills so much on the timeline.

In you case i would use the playlist and add all the picture to it and reorder picture with Ctrl-Shift-Up/Down and the render the playlist and use this video to add extra stuff in another project.

Of course, but sometimes you need precision in moving or cutting clips and with the new limit there’s not much place to do 1 frame exact edge of clip drag&drop.

I didn’t use the right word here, by reposition I mean use the SPR filter on each photo, this is why they need to remain individually in the timeline as I keep refining them (+adding/deleting) depending on the overall movement.

Qt major version changed. Not major; will not be addressed.

This is at max zoom, I need 2-4x more

Not major, intentional, and will not be changed. Learn to deal with the new limits. Each clip has a tooltip.

This change is being reverted because it is often causing a crash. We can try upgrading the SDL2.dll in the version after next, which you can do manually for now by downloading from if you choose.

This seems to work as expected for me.

You can add filter to media in the playlist, the playlist is like a track, just displayed a little different
You can make your whole video on the playlist, if only one track is needed.

Shotcut crashes if you enter region size = 1. It’s about the “Motion Tracker” filter. If you need to enter the size of a region whose number starts with the number 1 - for example, I wanted to manually enter 128.

If you add a counter to the timeline and switch the video mode, the application crashes.

If you close the current project and discard changes, the screen will be black.

On Windows 10, I have the same problem, except that Shotcut crashes when typing “2”.
“1” works fine though.

I couldn’t reproduce those on Windows.

I noticed that the problem with the black screen and the crash of the counter only appears when the gpu-effects mode is activated.

Ok, I get it too when GPU is ON
But in my tests, it only happens when switching to a 720p mode from any other mode.
It won’t crash if I switch between any of the 1080p modes for example. Or from a 2160p mode to a 1080p mode.

I didn’t get that black screen problem with GPU ON though.

I can surmise that this failure may be caused by a feature of the graphic drivers in the linux system. It is updated here very often, and every time some glitches disappear and others appear, it may well be that I was just unlucky and I need to wait for a driver update. But to be fair, updating drivers doesn’t have such a dramatic effect on other software, including other graphics editors.

Minor issue I just noticed: after popping up the timeline panel right click menu doesn’t appear anymore (even after docking it back into its original place).

I don’t like the light theme. Everything is way too bright. Is there a way to change back to a dark theme?

These instructions are for an older version. “Theme” isn’t available as far as I can see.

This was explained in the Beta thread:

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If you’re using Linux, just don’t use appimage. In the normal version, the theme is dark, or rather depends on the system settings, and my system theme is dark.

The filter set is a nice new feature. After the set is added, you can’t delete any of the filters in the set. It doesn’t prevent you from adding new filters. But if you don’t want a filter from the set, all you can do is deactivate it.