Redundant Zoom Controls for Timeline

Recent update (22.09.23) has switched up and down arrow keys on timeline to adjust zoom rather than select tracks above or below. This is basically the same as the + or - keyboard shortcuts which do the same thing. Also, attempting to quickly change zoom by clicking on the zoom bar where I want to desired zoom to be now only incrementally moves the zoom towards that level instead of going straight to that zoom level where I clicked. This creates three commands that all do the same thing: incrementally change the zoom a small amount.

Suggest either switching up and down arrow keys back to selecting tracks up or down like in previous versions (current version is the Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Dn shortcut, can alternatively let Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Dn be zoom controls) or removing the + and - shortcuts.

Also suggest returning clicking on the zoom bar response to previous version (e.g. if I click on the zoom bar halfway between full zoom in and full zoom out, it immediately goes to that point I clicked rather than slightly moving zoom towards that midpoint).

Actually, it doesn’t. Up and down are no longer assigned to do anything special anymore because they are common keys that are very context (focus) sensitive. It only changes zoom when the zoom slider has focus when you click it.

attempting to quickly change zoom by clicking on the zoom bar where I want to desired zoom to be now only incrementally moves the zoom towards that level instead of going straight to that zoom level where I clicked

This did change as a result of the major UI changes required (see release notes), and the different technology’s default behavior. I noticed it as well too, but it is minor and you can simply adjust your learned behavior to drag instead.

current version is the Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Dn shortcut

Actually, that is incorrect and only happens as a byproduct of using it to change the selected clip. Again, the correct default shortcuts for this are in the release notes as well as the timeline menu and the Actions and Shortcuts dialog. Of course, you can add your preferred shortcuts here including bare up/down currently, but that will break using up and down anywhere else in the UI such as list view or numeric spin boxes (your fault). One suggestion is D for down, and E for up.

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It is funny that shortly after replying, I was just trying to adjust the volume of a video on YouTube using its up/down shortcuts, but it was seeking instead because the scrub bar had focus! :laughing: How many of us have experienced that?!

But thanks for sharing your experience. I actually discovered and considered these things during the development. So, it was good to be able to explain the situation and rationale - for better or worse.

