Recording or memory problem

Recording or memory problem.
After many manipulations on the beginning of the clip, SC has kept in memory the beginning images and plays them after the end of the clip.
How do I get rid of these unwanted images.
[Quentin - Clément - VF-20.08.35.mlt|attachment]
(upload://8RrdAt4CwzyfU9enFMYmNxRdaDw.mlt) (108.9 KB)

You may have uploaded your MLT, but it’s not clickable.

Try zooming all the way in on the areas where you see unwanted images and remove them. shotcut_2020-08-22_01-23-53

There are other problems, mlt saving is 3.50 Minutes, the PM4 saving become 9.39 minutes.
On the MLT when at end its does not stop and show beginning images and sound for about another minute.
I really wonder what happen either with my computer or with
I can’t zoom on the unwanted images.
Why my Mlt is not clickable ?
This not the first time that problem happened with this clip.
It maybe also my computer problem, this morning when opening this forum the screen is so enlarged that I can only read half page and W10 is screen is fixed for 125 % and I have this problem only for Shotcut forum.
Quentin - Clément - VF-20.08.35.mlt (108.9 KB)

In fact I started my editing again, because the unwanted images are not visible on the timeline only on the screen as well as the sound on the loudspeaker.
All seems to be in order.
I deleted the SC forum and reloaded it and everything is fine.
The mysteries of computing are sometimes impenetrable.
This forum is really responsive and it’s nice to feel well helped.
Thank for your help.

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