recording a film

Is it possible to record a film using shotcut? I mean some frangments from a Dvd or from YouTube, every film that is running on my screen…

Shotcut does not include a screen recording. It can record from a video input device connected to your computer, but it is weak seldomly used and tested feature.

That is called screen recording, you can use something like OBS Studio to do this task.

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Ok, I downloaded the program, when I open it I just can see the audio mixer window getting the sound from the film, but I cant add the film as video source. I’m playing a dvd with “Any DVD”, a dvd player. Any advice for the first steps? thank you

I don’t really know about dvd players, If the video plays on a window in my desktop, I just use that window as the video source to record.
Someone more knowledgeable than me can help you on the OBS official forum. Or even here. But I am not confident if I can answer the further steps correctly.

j’utilise Handbrake, (gratuit )
placez le DVD dans votre PC, ouvrez le DVD sans le lancer,
dans la fenetre, glissez le dossier Video TS sur Handbrake, present dans le DVD,
dans Handbrake a Titre, choisissez le titre correspondant au film a copier,
et lancez l’encodage sur Handbrake.

Hello, I use Handbrake, (free) place the DVD in your PC, open the DVD without launching it, in the window,
drag the TS Video folder on Handbrake, present in the DVD, in Handbrake at Title, choose the title corresponding to the movie to copy, and start the encoding on Handbrake.

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Hi @Sacconi , another program you could try is ShareX. It records anything playing on your computer screen.

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If you want to capture footage from YouTube I can recommend 4kVideo Downloader (usual disclaimers) - simple and quick as it parses the YouTube link then downloads (very fast). Once dowloaded you could load the mp4 (or whatever) into Shotcut, edit it, and away you go


should I choose the button “set up”? I see there are many options

If you are on Windows 11, the included Snipping Tool can record the screen. Simply choose the camera icon on the toolbar that appears when you press Print Screen. For Windows 10, there is included the Xbox Game Bar.

If you are on macOS, you can use QuickTime Player or the Screenshot tool most people access through command+shift+5.

If you are on Linux, it depends on too many things to give advice. Consult the docs or forum for your distribution.

If you want to use OBS, you need to add a source ‘+’, select ‘Display Capture’ and ‘Make source visible’. This link may help:
How to record ANYTHING on your screen using the free OBS Studio! - VideoHelp Forum!
OBS has quite a steep learning curve, and I agree with other comments, Handbrake and Win X dvd ripper are good for DVDs, so is 4K Video Downloader for Youtube.

For YT GitHub - ErrorFlynn/ytdlp-interface: Windows graphical interface for yt-dlp, designed as a simple YouTube downloader

If someone owns a android, I would really suggest snaptube in that case. It’s much simpler to use. However all these ways are just illegal.