Recognize the GPU board for hardware encoding

Recently, win10 crashed, so I did a fresh install and downloaded the latest version, SHORTCUT24.04.28, to replace it.
I don’t remember the previous version, but I seem to remember that I was using a very old version and updating it as I went along.
I installed the latest win10 and the latest SHORTCUT version 24.04.28, and when I tried to encode using the hardware encoder in the final export process, when I pressed “detect” in the hardware encoder settings, it recognized the encoder before, but now it says it cannot detect it. Now it says it can’t detect the encoder and I can’t export the file by hardware.
I am having trouble figuring out what caused this. The graphics board is a very old NVIDIA GeForce GT640.
I have tried replacing the graphics board driver with an older one, but there is no change.
If anyone has any information on the cause of this problem, please let me know.
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version 23.09 is the last version to support your old GPU for encoding

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The problem has been resolved successfully. Thank you very much.
By the way, I had to register the same text in the preset every time I upgraded, but this time I was thrilled to see that the text remained in the preset even though I downgraded the version.
I am sad that I am still using this old version, but I am happy that I can now use my graphics board. I’m glad I was able to ask for help here because I had been struggling for days. Thank you and please excuse me.
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