Recent Project List - deleting unnecessary

I used the search and found this advice, which does not work for me. When you select an unnecessary project, it either automatically starts loading, or talk about its absence, pressing the del or backspace key does not remove the project from the list. I ask developers to make it possible to remove unnecessary projects from this list with the right mouse button, as is conveniently done with filter sets. Otherwise, I only have the option of deleting everything at once, which is very inconvenient.

Lorsque je rencontre ce problème, je fais tout de suite après un CTRL N (CMD N sur Mac).
Le projet est éliminé de la liste.

When I encounter this problem, I immediately press CTRL N after (CMD N on Mac).
The project is removed from the list.

The CTRL+N key combination does not remove the projects I have selected from this list. And I want to select a project I don’t need and specifically delete it without deleting all the others.

J’ai mal compris votre demande, j’ai cru que vous faisiez allusion aux fichiers manquants.
Il est possible de supprimer les fichiers de la liste avec un clic droit, mais il faut passer par le panneau “Récents”.
Je suis d’accord avec votre suggestion, cela faciliterait un peu plus le travail.

I misunderstood your request, I thought you were referring to the missing files.

It is possible to delete files from the list with a right click, but you have to go through the “Recent” panel.
I agree with your suggestion, it would make the work a bit easier.

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These actions are not convenient and not obvious, more like a workaround. I want to be able to remove a project from the list regardless of its physical presence. For example, I would like to hide some projects in this way, for example, for privacy purposes or some trite test projects. For example, there are working projects, and there are test ones, so I would like to remove the test ones from this list so that they do not distract, despite the fact that they physically exist on the drive in the same place.

As a workaround you can just edit resent.ini in the Shotcut Add Data Directory (Settings → App Data Directory → Show)