RAM consumption and copy-paste speed

I can’t consider this a full-fledged bug, perhaps the video editor engine works contrary to my logic, however, I created a test project benchmark, where there are simple 24 color elements, all I want to do is select them all, copy and paste, thereby there will be 48 elements in the timeline.

shotcut-221221 opened the project using 214 MB of RAM, after copy-paste the RAM consumption became 738 MB.

shotcut-230729 opened the project, using 461 MB, after copy-paste, the RAM consumption became 2.4 gigabytes.

shotcut-230912 opened the project using 464 MB of RAM, after copy-paste the RAM consumption became 2.4 gigabytes.

Just for the sake of comparison, I used the same thing in the kdenlive application, opened the project using 335 MB of RAM, after copy-paste the RAM consumption became 338 MB. I had to copy very many times for the RAM consumption to exceed 600 megabytes.

Please note that the copy and paste process is quite slow in all versions of shotcut.

Why does shotcut consume so much RAM and copy-paste is so slow?

p.s. I don’t mean to offend shotcut, I love him, I just want to understand why such trivial actions take up so much of my computer’s resources and are so slow.

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Because these operations (in particular, with multiple selection) are less optimized and not given more attention. This is improved for the next version.


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