Question about performance

When exporting a project, my CPU reaches nearly full utilization when the content is of high resolution videos. But when exporting projects that only contain images and audio or low resolution video, the CPU utilization never gets close to 100%, it usually sits around 25% or less. I’m running a 12 core Ryzen CPU.

I’m assuming this is due to a bottleneck in the system, but I’m wondering what it is and how to speed up exports. Is it due to memory bandwidth? Would upgrading to a Threadripper system with quad channel memory help speed up exports? Or is this an IPC limitation? Would upgrading to a new CPU with better single core performance speed things up?

Thanks for any input.

The only correct answer is “it depends”. Many parts of Shotcut are optimized to use many threads. But some parts are not. Generally, my advice for Shotcut users who want the best experience is to buy the CPU with the highest single thread performance that they can afford - regardless of thread count.

Thanks, so it sounds like memory bandwidth has little to no benefit?

I have never done any benchmarking with memory bandwidth. Just speculating… many operations are memory intensive (read some data, modify it, write it back). So speeding up memory should help things. But I do not know to what degree.

Yes I agree, theoretically it seems like it should help too. I might try some benchmarks to see if I can get any tangible differences with different memory speeds. Thanks for your quick replies.

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