Pourrait on avoir une possibilitée grossissement plus fin detaillé dans l'option Zoom

pourrait on avoir une possibilitée grossissement plus fin detaillé dans l’option Zoom ?
Il faudrait pouvoir agrandir la video plus finement, car on passe vite de 1920 x 1080 en 3940 x 2160, on a que deux possibilitée de grossissement avant que cela vienne vers du flpu.

De plus pour les petites resolution video, 640 x 480, et si etat moyen a basse qualité, il est souvent impossible d’agrandir finement ces video sans rencontrer un probleme visuels tel que flou, perte de qualite trop importante.

L’option Zoom, tel qui’il est n’est bon que pour de bonne qualité video, pour les autres video, on perd facilement de la qualité visuelle, la video se degrade vite, et on ne peut pas choisir finement un grossissement adaptées a tout genre de qualité video.

Pourriez vous modifier cela ?


could we have a possibility of finer magnification detailed in the Zoom option?
We should be able to enlarge the video more precisely, because we quickly go from 1920 x 1080 to 3940 x 2160, we only have two possibilities of magnification before it comes to fpu.

In addition, for small video resolutions, 640 x 480, and if average to low quality condition, it is often impossible to enlarge these videos finely without encountering a visual problem such as blurry, loss of quality too important.

The Zoom option, as it is, is only good for good video quality, for other videos, you easily lose visual quality, the video degrades quickly, and you can’t finely choose a magnification suitable for any kind of video quality.

Could you change that?

Thank you.

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Can you clarify - are you talking about the Preview Player zoom control?

What other options would you want to see in there?

Je parle du zoom visible a l’ onglet Affichage dans Vue.

Pourrait on aussi demarrer le zoom a X 1 et non pas a x 2 ?
ca serait plus commode, car pour certaines videos, un grossissement x 2 est deja trop catastrophique sur le resultat visuel de l’image.

Un nombre de zoom plus nombreux, serait un plus pour bien adapter le bon niveau de zoom pour des video de resolution faible et qui sont difficile a agrandir sans abimer des l’agrandissement, la qualité visuelle.

De meme; le controle du zoom du lecteur de previsualisation meriterait aussi des zooms plus nombreux et meme, si possible modifiable a la roulette de la souris, plutot que de cliquer et rechercher les zoom dans une liste, ca serait beaucoup plus commode.

I’m talking about the visible zoom at the View tab in View.

Could we also start the zoom at X 1 and not at X 2?
It would be more convenient, because for some videos, a magnification x 2 is already too catastrophic on the visual result of the image.

A more number of zooms would be a plus to adapt the right zoom level for low resolution videos that are difficult to enlarge without damaging the visual quality from the magnification.

Similarly; The zoom control of the preview player would also deserve more zooms and even, if possible modifiable with the mouse wheel, rather than clicking and searching for zooms in a list, it would be much more convenient.

220% …

Pourriez vous aussi retirer la grille presente dans le zoom, cela gene beaucoup sur les details visuel ( onglet Affichage / Vues / Zoom )

Could you also remove the grid present in the zoom, it bothers a lot on the visual details (Display tab / Views / Zoom)

I’m also in favor of more zoom flexibility in the Preview.
Sometimes 100% is not enough and 200% is too much.

But adding a bunch of options in the zoom drop-down list seems unpractical.

Although I know you guys don’t like to add more stuff to the Player/Preview toolbar, an editable zoom level display would be, in my opinion, a much welcomed upgrade.

As I imagine it, we could either write a zoom level directly in the display, or use the mouse wheel with increments of 1% (10% while holding Ctrl).

Opening the Fit button’s drop-down list would still give us the zoom options we currently have (10%, 25% … 750%, 1000%). And pressing the Fit button itself would allow to switch between Fit and the last zoom level.

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C’est une tres bonne idée, je suis pour cette option.

It’s a very good idea, I’m for this option.

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We might be able to add a mouse wheel behavior for this and would not need to include an ugly spin box.

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Very well.

Quand au zoom ( Affichage/ Vue / Zoom )
il faudrait retirer la grille qui apparait trop dans les grossissement important et abime trop la qualité visuelle de l’image.

De plus, il faudrait, demarrer a x 1 de grossissement et oas a x 2, qui abime visuellement et trop souvent des videos de moyenne qualité.

As for the zoom ( Display / View / Zoom )
We should remove the grid which appears too much in high magnification and damages the visual quality of the image too much.

In addition, it would be necessary to start at x 1 magnification and oas at x 2, which visually and too often damages videos of average quality.

please also allow zoom blow 10% … i often work with 8K video and the “size position rotation” filter… the “center handle” is often out of the view box…

a value like 1% or 5% would be VERY useful sometimes.

ok for the mouse wheel behavior !

thank you