Podcast Intro Animation

Dear Community,

Here’s an Intro Animation done with 16 layers of masks and Size, Position & Rotate filters without fade in/fade out for the Gospel 4 All YouTube Channel…


Looks very nice.

I would be interested to see how you did the waveform animation.
Can you share the MLT file?

Thanks, MusicalBox,

Here’s the MLT file:

PODCAST-INTRO-1.mlt (114.0 KB)

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Wow that sounds like a lot of work! Nice and smooth

Thanks for the project file @josept :+1:
I took a look at it and I agree with @shotcut, you’ve put a lot of work into this.
Totally worth it though.

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Thanks. About 4 hours from concept to fine tuning…

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That’s very good going for a really neat effect. I looked at the MLT file and would have estimated about twice that long. Mind you I have probems remembering the keyboard shortcuts so I’m always using a mouse, which slows things down a quite a bit.

I did something similar using HTML/CSS/Javascript for a friend’s website a few years ago. I resurrected it and modified it slightly to be more like yours. See below.


Nice effect! Smooth. Sometimes taking time over something is worth it in the end. Composing music is another example… :grin:

@elusien, brilliant. If you are able to post the HTML I’d be very interested! No worries if not of course…

Thanks Jonray…

Your wish is my command oh master!

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto">
        <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.slim.min.js" integrity="sha256-kmHvs0B+OpCW5GVHUNjv9rOmY0IvSIRcf7zGUDTDQM8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.12.5/gsap.min.js" integrity="sha512-7eHRwcbYkK4d9g/6tD/mhkf++eoTHwpNM9woBxtPUBWm67zeAfFC+HrdoE2GanKeocly/VxeLvIqwvCdk7qScg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
            :root {
                --screen_width     : 1080px;
                --screen_height    : 750px;
                --equalizer_width  : 400;
                --equalizer_height : 200;
                --nbars            : 16;
                --bar_width        : calc(var(--equalizer_width) / var(--nbars) - var(--bar_margin));
                --bar_height       : 180;
                --bar_margin       : 4;
                --bar_border_width : 4;
                --bar_border_radius: calc(0.5 * var(--bar_width));
                --equalizer_time   : 10;
                --sample_time      : 0.15;

            #screen    {display: flex; flex-direction: column;}
            #screen *  {box-sizing: border-box;}
            #equalizer {
                display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: flex-end;
                width     : calc(1px * var(--equalizer_width ));
                height    : calc(1px * var(--equalizer_height));
                background-color: lightcoral;
            .bar {
                width     : calc(1px * var(--bar_width ));
                height    : calc(1px * var(--bar_height));
                margin    : calc(1px * var(--bar_margin));
                background-color: white;
                border    : solid black calc(1px * var(--bar_border_width));
                border-radius: calc(1px * var(--bar_border_radius));

            #separator {
                display         : inline-block;
                width           : calc(1px * var(--equalizer_width ));
                height          : calc(1px * var(--bar_height) * 0.1);
                border          : solid black calc(1px * var(--bar_border_width));
                background-color: red;
            #title {
                display         : inline-block;
                width           : calc(1px * var(--equalizer_width ));
                font            : 72px roboto;
                text-align      : center;
                color           : white;
                text-shadow     : 3px     0 black, -3px   0 0 black, 0   3px 0 black,  0   -3px 0 black,
                                  3px  -3px black, -3px 3px 0 black, 3px 3px 0 black, -3px -3px 0 black;
                background-color: lightpink;
        <div id="screen"><div id="equalizer"></div><div id="separator"></div></div><div id="title">Disco Beat</div></div>
        $(function() {
            const root  = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
            const p     = {
                screen_width     : root.getPropertyValue('--screen_width'),
                screen_height    : root.getPropertyValue('--screen_height'),
                equalizer_width  : root.getPropertyValue('--equalizer_width'),
                equalizer_height : root.getPropertyValue('--equalizer_height'),
                nbars            : root.getPropertyValue('--nbars'),
                bar_margin       : root.getPropertyValue('--bar_margin'),
                bar_border_width : root.getPropertyValue('--bar_border_width'),
                bar_border_color : root.getPropertyValue('--bar_border_color'),
                bar_border_radius: root.getPropertyValue('--bar_border_radius'),
                bar_width        : root.getPropertyValue('--bar_width'),
                bar_height       : root.getPropertyValue('--bar_height'),
                sample_time      : root.getPropertyValue('--sample_time'),
                equalizer_time   : root.getPropertyValue('--equalizer_time'),
            const $equalizer = $('#equalizer');
            for (let n = 0; n < p.nbars; n++) {
                $equalizer.append('<div class="bar"></div>');

            const tl   = gsap.timeline();
            const bars = gsap.utils.toArray('.bar');

            const nloops = p.equalizer_time / p.sample_time;
            for (let loop = 0; loop < nloops; loop++) {
                for (let nbar = 0; nbar < bars.length; nbar++) {
                    tl.to(bars[nbar], {height: gsap.utils.random(0,p.bar_height), duration: p.sample_time}, (nbar === 0) ? '>' : '<');

My pleasure. Sorry for invading your thread with the HTML BTW! I hope you find it interesting though.

Thank you. I just tried it though and it just gave a static image with no animation. Did I copy something incorrectly?
Elusien audio bar HTML

Sorry, my mistake. slight bug changing a couple of "let"s into "const"s.

I have corrected the code above, so just re-download it.

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