Please Help Check My Failed to Open File


I would like some assistance with checking my MLT file please and thankies.

I am currently exporting a file so can’t restart shotcut but whether i try opening my MLT through the software or double clicking it starting a new instance of shotcut i get the failed to open message. I also tried from the Recent Projects window which also failed and removed the file from the recent projects list.

I was just working on this and closed it to move the file to the folder i wanted it to be in with my other files from C:\ to E:.

It doesn’t show NUL in Notepad and the resource paths look to be correct.

Windows 11 Education 22H2
Shotcut version 23.05.14

I’ve read other people having luck with uploading their files and having someone correct them.

Thankies so much!
Bunker Sell Mission - Insurgent Pick-Up Customs Ambushed by Merryweather - Single Vehicle Simple Solo.mlt (21.8 KB)

Your file opened for me

You need to open it using File > Open from the E: drive. When you try to open it from Recent Projects it only looks for it in the location it knows about on C:. It does not know that you moved it, only that the file you tried to open does not exist at the location it recorded.

Thankies for checking. It won’t open for me no matter how i try opening it. I may just reinstall it and see if that will fix things.

I redownloaded and installed it and it still fails to open either from File, Open, or File Explorer. Is there a place where i can check logs or see what’s going on/what’s not working?

I found a partial solution. I copied the file back to where i moved it from and it opened. Then i saved it,. closed it, and clicked on it on the Recent Projects window and it failed again. If i rename it it’ll work. Is there a limitation on file name/folder length perhaps? Right now it is

E:\Edits\gta\Bunker Sell Mission - Insurgent Pick-Up Customs Ambushed by Merryweather - Single Vehicle Simple Solo\Bunker Sell Mission - Insurgent Pick-Up Customs Ambushed by Merryweather - Single Vehicle Simple Solo

The first folder is my sources and within that folder is the folder of my project.

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