Play Source just from In to Out points

I would like to be able to play in the Source player, just from the In point of a clip to the Out point. I would like the player to start at the In point and stop at the Out point.
I am used to being able to do this in Audacity, so I miss it in ShotCut.
I would also like to have Audacity’s clever command (from the keyboard shortcut “c”) to have the player start playing a few seconds before the In point along to the In point, then from the Out point on for a few seconds. That would show the effect of Splitting at those two points and deleting the resultant clip. I think this would be very valuable in the Timeline as well as in the Source player.
Are there shortcuts or other ways of doing these things?
Thanks for thinking about this,

I don’t think any video editor employs this idea.

I think comparing an Audio editor to a Video editor and suggesting the later utilize features found in Audacity is a little unfair.
Audio editors don’t use a source preview window where you mark in/out sections to add to a timeline, which is the function of a video editor.

Thanks for that list of keyboard shortcuts. It’s better than the one in the FAQ.