Path and file name


I encountered a problem on the path of a *.mlt file
Two things to understand, is it normal that the path in Shotcut is displayed with " / " and not with " \ "?

Also, opening an MLT as a clip, here is the display

and Shocut told me that the file was missing when launching the export of the video.

I solved the problem by renaming the file (_11 >>> _1b) and dragging and dropping in the playlist
I specify that I have no space in the path and in the name of my files

Yes. That is normal.

I am not sure how that would have fixed it.
There is a fix in the latest version (22.10) for mlt files that have “%” in the file name.

What version are you using?

yes, I use a new version 22.10(.25)
Same problem

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