Pasting 2 transitions bug

Edition|Windows 11 Home|
Installed on|‎06/‎10/‎2022|
OS build|22631.4112|
Experience|Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1034.0|
Using Shotcut 24.06.23

On a track I have a transparent block which then bar-horizontal transition to another transparent block with a text-simple filter on it. I then bar-horizonal transition back to a transparent block. I run it and the texts wipes on and off as I expected it. However, if i copy the elements and paste it further on the timeline everything shows as pasted but the 2nd transition, although still says bar- horizontal, just “turns off” the text rather than wipes it using the bar-horizontal transistion. Going in to properties and changing the transition type makes not difference.

This one does not reproduce for on the latest version 24.11 on Windows or the development work copy on Linux. Then, I tried version 24.06.26 on Windows, and that worked too. Notice my version of 24.06 is a little newer than yours. Your instructions are good; thank you for that. I do not think there is anything unclear, but I recommend to upgrade and try again.