Open to suggestions and opinions about my content

Really impressed by the fluidity of the visual display.:star_struck:
I’m no expert but it feels like a good quality production.
On the audio issue, the layout Shotcut has for audio provides some interesting tools to “see” some things (without actually hearing). On YT playback the narration audio (and some parts of the music) crackle in my studio headphones. So I wonder if in your project the audio peak meter didn’t reach yellow-red values.
One of the quick tricks I use for Youtube is to normalize the audio in two passes to -16 LUFS (I found this loudness value to be the recommended value for YT).
This may work against the transmission of emotions through the sound (with its changes in volume and dynamics) but on the other hand, it has the advantage that you will have a reference value for later videos to upload to the platform. That way those videos will not have noticeable (or unpleasant) differences in your playlist or on your channel.
Audio compression can also remove the dynamics of the music but you just have to try different solutions and values to find what you want to convey to others, with that audio.
Here I rescued a thread that mixed several things about audio processing and specifically talked about Youtube (and other things).
Ideal Volume Levels for Audio on YouTube Uploads? - Help/How To - Shotcut Forum
I love the naturalness of the moment, the color treatment, and the planning of the scenes.:star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: