Numbers not showing on Export Menu Ver:240829

What is your operating system?
Win11 pro 23H2

Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?
Problem always there

Attaching screenshot of numbers not fully showing on Export Menu no matter how large the window

This was already fixed in that version, but only if you have not set the environment variable QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE. This is a result of a change in Qt to adopt Windows 11 style spin boxes by default. We override it to the previous Qt style named windowsvista. I am not to re-layout the entire UI to deal with wider numeric fields on one major version of one operating system.
I do not reproduce the problem even when choosing Settings > Theme > System. So, I suspect you have set that environment variable.

Here is how it looks for me

Yeah, and here is how it looks when I set QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=windows11

I am not going to change to ignore a user-defined environment variable. Otherwise, that will be reported as a bug.

ok that looks like the problem but I don’t think I set the QT ev, maybe a previous Shotcut? So I looked around and can’t find where to change this to windowsvista. I looked under the system enviroment and in C:\Users\myusername\appdata\Roaming and didnt see it there either. If I do a complete uninstall/reinstall will that fix it also?

No, it does not change your system environment variables. Run cmd.exe followed by set to view your variables. Maybe reinstall will fix it.

saw nothing in the ev’s with cmd.exe set so i decided unistall reinstall but decided to download the portable version. I get the resolution,Aspect ratio,and Frames/sec showing the numbers but when I do the pull downs if the number is bigger than 2 digits I get the ( …) which is ok for me because the number shows up in the main fields so no big deal. thanks.