No sound on video for editing

Hello, hoping someone can help. I have dropped my video in the playlist for editing. I have checked all the audio muting buttons etc, i have dropped a second video into the same project. First video has no sound and shows no audio in the ‘track’ (as in no wavy line). I can play the video raw from my pc and it has sound. i have uninstalled and reinstalled, and also tried an older version of shotcut. Any assistance will be great.

Click the clip to select it and see Properties > Audio > Track. What is listed and chosen there? If the only option is None, then Shotcut cannot read any audio in your file. It might be incompatible.

thank you for your reply, i will pop a screenshot below of what it shows.

It appears that audio track in the file is silent. Is there more than one audio track in this file (in Properties > Audio > Track)?

thank you, it seems to show 4 tracks:

OK, you need to try different tracks. Shotcut only includes one at a time. If you need to use more than one audio track from the same file, you need to add an audio track to the timeline, add the clip again to the new track, and set the audio track of the new clip’s properties.

oh wow, thank you so much, you are a genius!!! so grateful to you !!!


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