No puedo editar texto en 2D

No funciona la edición de texto 2D. Las letras salen muy grandes en el canva y no tengo la opción de reducirlas, desaparecen. Saludos.

Google translate:
2D text editing does not work. The letters come out very big in the canva and I do not have the option to reduce them, they disappear. Greetings.

It works perfectly fine.
You need to resize the text by resizing the bounding box.


Si, lo entiendo, pero cuando hago click en la esquina el texto desaparece. Saludos.

Yes, I understand, but when I click on the corner the text disappears. Greetings.

I have never come across this, so I can’t help - sorry.
Perhaps you can indicate which operating system and which version of Shotcut you are using.