New version 21_03 - Export Frame problem fixed but not mentioned in the notes

@shotcut - thanks for the new version 21_03. I briefly tested, and the export frame problem (pop-up keeps appearing) seems to be fixed, but I can’t see mention of it in the notes on the download page. Makes no difference to me, but I wondered if you would like to add it there. Thanks for fixing it.

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I had problems with exporting frames in the SNAP version in Ubuntu Studio. I was about to do a report today but when I started Shotcut in W10 I got the upgrade warning and upgraded. I then closed W10 and opened Ubuntu to check the version of Shotcut in Ubuntu and it was updated to the latest version, so I don’t know if the frame export error in Shotcut (in Ubuntu) was from the current version or the previous version.
I will check that tomorrow when I have some time.

I thought I’d do a quick check and it now works perfectly. Now there is no problem with exporting frames in the same project where I had problems on Sunday.
Tested in Shotcut version 21.03.21 snap, in Ubuntu Studio 20.10

Thanks. Confirmed and added.


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