Nervous, Choppy, Trails filters' numeric field does not show numbers

OS: Linux Mint 18.1-64 KDE
Shotcut: 19.10.20


for the filters you can see in the picture the same…

Not really possible to see, what values are set.

Best regards

Can you fix this yourself by changing your UI layout? I do not reproduce it. Are you using a build provided by me (appimage, snap, or portable)?


I’m using a portable (like always) for my Linux Mint (GitHub/ FosHub<?>).
And no, because all others are correct, like e.g. “NoSync” (it’s also new), or “Sepia” (isn’t in %) are correct.

Best regards

I basically know what the problem is: due to the “Frames” unit of measure indicated in these filters’ Amount field, I need to reserve extra width for the numeric field that is beside the slider. I have done this for some others such as “deg” for degrees. However, since I have not reproduced it, I cannot be sure of the exact amount. So, I made a good guess to fix this for the next version 19.12.

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