Não está respondendo

Meu shotcut está travando e parando de responder quando eu seleciono uma faixa de áudio ou vídeo, será que é algum problema de driver do meu notebook? esse problema apareceu após uma formatação.

Escreva em inglês, se puder, para que mais pessoas possam ajudá-lo melhor e com mais rapidez, e outros usuários também possam se beneficiar com as informações.

“My shotcut is crashing and stopped responding when I select an audio or video track, is it a driver issue for my notebook? this problem appeared after a format.”

You really need more data to try to figure out what is happening to you.
Right now we only know that you are trying to use Shotcut on your notebook. We don’t know the version of Shotcut, and other features like processor, RAM, and others of your notebook.
This information can help to get an idea about what is happening on your computer with the configuration you have.

In the meantime, we can only make random assumptions.

Suppose that before the notebook formatting, you were able to use Shotcut without problems on the same notebook:
have you now installed the same version of Shotcut you had before?
Did you install all the graphics card drivers?
Did you try to completely uninstall Shotcut and reinstall it again?
Did you try using a portable version of Shotcut (without installation)?

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