My shotcut always shuts down on the second move I make

My OS version is:
Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single LAnguage
version 10.0.18363 compilation 18363

I was creating a short video for my son’s birthday but today whenever I try to make a second move the program just shuts down.

I don’t know whether I’m clear with “second move”: I move a video in the timeline when I try to move any other video/picture it shuts down.

Have already tried compatibility solutions from Microsoft with no results at all!

Please help me out! This will be his birthday gift in these pandemic times!

Thanks a lot!!!

Shotcut version? 32bit or 64bit?
What are your source video properties? Resolution/FPS (frames per second)?

Perhaps share your shotcut-log.text file after it crashes.
Just upload in the reply window.

This is how to get to the appdata folder to get the log file.
shotcut_2020-07-27_13-05-32 explorer_2020-07-27_13-06-24

I am using (trying!) 20.07.11 which I could find if it is 32bit or 64bit, sorry!

About the source videos: all of them sent by friends and made up in cell phones.

The problem is that until yesterday I was using the app perfectly (sometimes it did shut,but only really a few), now I can only take one step and then it closes.

About the resolution: from the sources I don’t have any idea but I have chosen video mode as “HD 1080p 60fps” if this assists us go ahead.

My log text file (as per you taught me) appears as 0kb!

Thanks a lot for your kind help!!!

The log file is 0kb because you have Shotcut open. When Shotcut crashes or is closed is when you get the shotcut-log is filled in. Next time Shotcut crashes on you, and before you open Shotcut, upload the file here in the reply window.

If you are working with cell phone video, it’s possible the files are Variable Frame Rate (VFR), which can cause issues with any video editor. Click on any video clip, and then click on properties. You may see something like this.

Converting your footage may help the issues you’re having. Shotcut has a helpful Edit Friendly converter built in.

Click the 3 lined icon button
Convert to Edit-friendly

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