My preview is very laggy, I've watched countless tutorials and read many Shotcut forums and I still don't know how to fix it. It is especially laggy whenever I use video filters

I am new to this programme and I don’t know how to fix this problem: When I add a video filter, it makes the audio and video of the preview choppy.

Please someone help.

This is a very common question. Maybe you are not searching for the right terms.

Have you seen these?

Consider searching for posts about those features to help reduce lag.

I have proxy turned on, my display method is DirectX and I have my preview scaling to 540p but I have a
split where the ‘Size, Position & Rotate’ filter is on and when I preview it the video and audio goes to 1 fps. Also, whenever I playback from a specific point in the video, the video and audio stutter for 2 seconds. Is there a fix for these issues?

Just because you turned proxy on does not mean the proxies were created. Are you sure they were created? Also, just because you turn all of these on does not mean it is going to play perfectly smooth all the time. It will not, it is simply better. It also depends, of course, on your computer and the resolution and frame rate of your video. You need to export if you want to see how it will look in the end.

Ok, thank you!

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