I screen-captured a short video from the BBC News site a few months ago. Here’s the original:
…and edited out the non-text bits.
Then I set myself a challenge: can I recreate these text captions in Shotcut?
I did it!! By making HTML files and applying them via the Text:HTML filter. Actually I adapted my “WordSync” files (see at the bottom of this thread).
Result below! (I’ve positioned my captions above the original BBC ones as a direct comparison):
I searched for a comparable font and the nearest one I found was called “D-Din Expanded”.
I had an issue with the “easing” (smoothness of the text movement) (warning, this is a bit technical…) … In the HTML animation I used the “ease” timing function to mimic the smooth action of the text when the line moves upwards. It worked OK when using the “@keyframes” method but after I converted the code using @elusien’s CSS animation generator, the action was much less smooth and the movement was close to linear. Getting the smoothness of the text movement was crucial to recreating the text, so I persevered and got round it by using a bezier curve code
easing:"cubic-bezier(0.320, 0.475, 0.185, 1.010)"
instead of just “ease”.
(I created the bezier curve code from the site https://matthewlein.com/tools/ceaser (there’s another on
cubic-bezier.com, by drawing the required curve). Solved!!
Anyway, I was pleased with the result! So just for fun I made a completely new video using my own captions and applied them to footage from Youtube. I used the font “Open Sans” for this one:
I’ve attached a zip of all the HTML files I used - feel free to adapt for you own captions.