What is your operating system?
I’m using Mint Mate 22 “Wilma.”
What is your Shotcut version (see Help > About Shotcut)?
It’s the newest version via flatpak, installed just a few weeks ago.
Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?
My working folder is located on a mounted secondary hard drive. I was processing a video that was over an hour and a half long. I had closed out of all other programs so as to help process the video more quickly. Most of it was done, and with 20 minutes to go, I loaded Firefox and my desktop sort of froze. Both Firefox and Shotcut programs disappeared from view, and it was only my wallpaper visible. I tried to alt+tab, but they did not show up. I rebooted after a while, realizing that Shotcut would not return. When I rebooted, I had to run fsck on my mounted hard drive /dev/sda3 and had to repair a whole lot of files. When I regained control, the folder containing the files I was processing was empty, and all of the subfolders in it were also completely gone.
Again, this is on a secondary hard drive that I have mounted. I’ve noticed that for some reason, I cannot move files to trash on my two mounted HDs, and that files can only be deleted. This may have to do with what happened? I ran Testdisk and through that, it showed me files. Advanced/list/copy files. I tried copying the files to a new restore folder and let it run overnight as it took a while. Not even half of the files appeared in the restore folder. Only some of the subfolders were recovered. I don’t think the hard disk has been damaged with bad sectors or anything. I’ll have to look into that.
So far it seems that it was only that folder that was wiped clean. I wonder if it was a hack… With all of the installs and reinstalls with 22 Wilma recently, I suppose I forgot to turn on my firewall because it was disabled. I should still have hardware firewall through my modem, but this is rather troubling. The files weren’t deleted, but rather they simply disappeared. I did try the undelete feature, but the files simply weren’t there.
I’ve been using Shotcut for many years. Prior to migrating to Linux 4.5 years ago, I used it on Windows and was pleased to find that it ran better on Linux. I have never had this happen before. The parent folder was completely empty. Some of the files were restored to my main hard drive to the /home directory, but it seems that the majority of my files are completely gone. Any ideas?
Shotcut does not manage the files you include in a project. It does not even delete project files for you. The only files it deletes are temporary files it creates, and when you choose to overwrite a file in a save dialog and confirm the choice.
Sorry I do not know what happened to your secondary drive’s file system. Computers and operating systems do weird things sometimes. Shotcut is only making high level, standard file system calls to be carried out by the operating system, drivers, and hardware.
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Yes, in all the years of my Shotcut experience, this is always true. I don’t know how everything became corrupted like that, unless somehow it was due to hacking. But if it was hacking, why only that one parent folder? It just doesn’t make sense. What other external factors could there be?
Were you exporting to that folder? If so that is where writing was happening when something went wrong at a low level resulting in some corruption.
I upload videos to YouTube and Odysee. Channel update videos are (were) all contained in the Update folder. Under that folder were subfolders, filed by year. I was only able to recover 2016-2019, but not after that. I put videos recorded by camera all into the top level Update folder, and yes, that is where I export the completed update videos. For some reason, loading Firefox appeared to trigger some fluke corruption, and managed to wreck subfolders in the process. Crazy. One thing’s for sure: I will find a spare HD and make backups. Thanks.
As an update to the situation, it looks like I just need to get a new hard drive. I just ordered a new Western Digital 3TB HD and it’ll arrive tomorrow.
I put in my Win10 SSD. I only use it for hacking my Megadrive Mini console, but this time I put it in, ran Checkdisk on the damaged drive, and the contents of the folder, which had been invisible under Linux, was now there. I moved it all into a new folder, put my Linux SSD back in, and moved everything to the new hard drive which arrived yesterday. Everything is fine now! Thanks for the help.
I have had external (USB) disks go corrupt under Linux. I’ve had this with both NTFS and ExFAT. I’d recommend not using an external disk as a live “work” disk. But rather use it to copy/move files after they are finished.
This was definitely not a fault of Shotcut.
I’m not using an external drive. I have two internal SATA hard drives permanently mounted.
After I recovered the missing contents of the directory, I copied everything to a new directory. I replaced the 1.5TB HD with a new 3TB HD and this time I made sure to format it as a Linux drive rather than NTFS. I’ve copied everything over to the new drive.