Multi-select in the timeline

On the road map, I see that adding copy and paste through multi-select is near the top of the list. Will this include copy and paste of filters as well?

My workflow involves importing different clips from youtubers and twitch streamers who often don’t have the best sound mixing. I currently have to add the gain and compression filter one at a time to each clip. This is the only bottleneck in my workflow (limited by my knowledge of video editing) so big thanks to everyone who has supported Shotcut!

Vous pouvez déjà appliquer un même filtre à tous les clips présents sur une piste.
Cliquez sur l’entête de la piste, elle apparait en bleu, appliquez le filtre, un symbole en forme d’entonnoir est présent sur l’entête.
Tous les clips de cette piste se voient appliquer le filtre.

You can already apply the same filter to all the clips on a track.
Click on the track header, it appears in blue, apply the filter, a funnel-shaped symbol is present on the header.
All the clips on this track will have the filter applied.

Capture d’écran 2021-01-16 à 16.45.53

Ce vrais, mais ci il faut que je fas des changements du filtre pour un clip ou un groupe des clips, il faut que je mais chaque groupe des clips dans leur propre piste. Les transition devient plus difficile quand les clips son pas dans la même piste. J’essaierai ta suggestion il verra si ça marche mieux. Merci !

True, but if I want to make adjustments to a filter for one clip or group of clips, I have to put the group in its own track. Transitions become harder to apply when clips aren’t in the same track. I’ll try out your suggestion and see if it works better. Thanks!

Yes, for the filters attached to the clip that is copied and then pasted; that already exists today for the single selected clip that is copied. However, I am not sure this addresses your workflow concern. I think you are asking if you can copy filters, select multiple clips, and then paste filters on all of them. That is a legitimate request, but it is not part of the scope of work for the published road map item. Maybe it can come at a later time.

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Thank you Dan. For now, I will use the technique that Namna suggested. Cheers

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