Moving clips with filters to new projects

Is it possible move clips with editable filters to a different project?

You could open your project file and save a copy under a different name. And then simply edit this copy.
Or do you want to move the clips to a different location as well?

do you want to move the clips to a different location as well? YES

Moving clips to another project is not possible … but … there is a next-best thing.
Save your 1st project as an .mlt file.
Close SC and open project 2.
Go to File>Open MLT XML as clip.
Point to your saved .mlt.
All of your 1st project (with edits, filters etc) will be imported into your 2nd project as a clip.

Not ideal maybe but it may be a workaround for you.

thanks jonray I am already doing that, but the 2nd project filters are not editable. Is that what you mean by (Not ideal maybe but it may be a workaround for you.)

Yes, that’s what I mean. . It would be great to be able to transfer clips from one project to another.

Thanks Jonra again for the info and the quick response

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