Moving around Captions?

Hi. Not only do I need to add captions, I need to sometime have them at the top of the screen.

Is it possible?



Best to create a video layer above.
Add in a transparent clip (Open Other → Color)
Place clip on the video layer above.
Add Text:Simple, or Text:Rich filter to transparent clip. Within the filter, you can move it to where you want to.

You could also simply add a text filter to a different clip, then in that filter, you have the same controls to move that text where you want it.


You might be interested in this thread:

I have developed a web app to create a shotcut MLT file which burns subtitles (captions) into a video. You have control over where the captions are placed. There above thread links to a tutorial video on how to do this.

Thanks this sounds liek too much for me, but I’ll watch your tutorilal, thanks much

Ok, I’ll get into this, thanks a lot.

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