Motion track data not showing

Hi, ive just recently started using the motion tracking feature, but im having an issue where the data doesnt show up on a SPR filter, meaning i cant use it… Havent seen anyone else having this problem, its probably just me doing something wrong hahaha


thanks in advance

Hi @aero
Try this:
Save your project and relaunch Shotcut. Then load the tracking data again in SP&R

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hi @MusicalBox, thanks for the quick response! I tried this but unfortunately it didnt work :frowning:

If that did not work I think your motion tracking analysis did not run to competition, or at least its result was not saved in the project. You need to re-analyze.

@shotcut I didnt mention this initially, because i get the same glitch when exporting, but it says “job failed” instead of completed every time I do it? could this be part of the reason? i paid no attention to it since i always get that glitch

of course, that is what I said.

I know this is a free service, and i dont mean to be rude, but do you seriously think i havent tried running it again? I get the same error every time

OK, then you need to change something to make it work, but I do not know what. Maybe someone else can help you.

One way to move this forward might be to make a screen recording of the problem starting from an empty project. Then, a developer could follow along the steps to recreate it.

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good idea, does this work?

thanks in advance once again

The video is helpful. The demonstration does not start from an empty project. So I can’t really follow the steps to reproduce the problem myself.

Yes. That is 100% the reason it does not work for you. Right click on the failed job and choose “View Log”. Paste the log contents here so we can see it.

here you go:

mlt_repository_init: skip plugin C:\Program Files\Shotcut\lib\mlt/libmltqt.dll
[h264 @ 000001f9070f2280] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[h264 @ 000001f9080e0440] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[h264 @ 000001f9070e8800] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[producer avformat] audio: total_streams 1 max_stream 1 total_channels 2 max_channels 2
[AVIOContext @ 000001f9051528c0] Statistics: 5114826 bytes read, 2 seeks
[chain avformat-novalidate] C:/Users/benpr/Videos/Need for Speed Payback/Need for Speed Payback 2023.09.20 -
    checking VFR: pkt.duration 1529
[chain avformat-novalidate] C:/Users/benpr/Videos/Need for Speed Payback/Need for Speed Payback 2023.09.20 -
    checking VFR: pkt.duration 1583
[chain avformat-novalidate] C:/Users/benpr/Videos/Need for Speed Payback/Need for Speed Payback 2023.09.20 -
    checking VFR: pkt.duration 1368
[chain avformat-novalidate] C:/Users/benpr/Videos/Need for Speed Payback/Need for Speed Payback 2023.09.20 -
    checking VFR: pkt.duration 1530
[h264 @ 000001f906f4a380] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[swscaler @ 000001f9078bd600] YUV color matrix differs for YUV->YUV, using intermediate RGB to convert

Failed with exit code -1073741819

You are getting the 1073741819 error, unfortunately. I have only ever seen that error on export jobs, not analysis jobs. We have never found a definitive solution for that error.

You can look through these previous posts and see if you find any ideas to try:

I would suggest removing the clip and adding it back in.

This is also concerning and suggests that your installation might be corrupt. I would suggest uninstalling and re-installing Shotcut as a test.

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No, that is a standard message now to explicitly ignore any possibly installed Qt 5 MLT module because a distro package might have both (distro is more than Linux and BSD for several years now).

The error number is mainly a generic unknown crash in the helper program. That’s whyI said something needs change, but I don’t know what. It requires experiments. I would isolate this clip in a separate session or project, possibly by copy and paste. Then try the motion tracking on it just to see if it works.

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I made a seperate project and used a similar clip. It took around 1 min (usually it takes me like 10 sec) to complete and also “failed” at the end, but again it didnt work. tried saving and closing the project and applying the SPR on a seperate clip too.

update: ran shotcut as administrator bc i noticed it said “failed to open x” in the log, and im pretty sure everything works now, i can see the data in the SPR filter

universe really dont want me to finish this project. So, the job finishes successfully now, but the preview square dissapears as soon as I press analyse and it gives me the option to import into SPR but it doesnt actually load any keyframes (ie it does nothing)

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