.mlt files dont work as they are intended to

i didnt even know how to name the title because im puzzled, i dont know how this happend i dont know how to describe it, empty.
simple: .mlt is supposed to show me the sections i edited and what not, everything that i did, but its just as a straight line of video. the video parts were sucked into thin air without a trace and the sections pulled a houdini on me
detailed: basically, i trust shotcut, which is not good because it crashes pretty commonly at me after doing the littlest of functions possible.
but right i trust it, i changed the zoom, boom crash, not here to complain about the crashes, its fast getting back to work. i kill shotcut in task manager and reopen it, auto save, good, but it crashes again on the same function, didnt learn the first time, i kill shotcut, i reopen it, nothing, i wait more, nothing. oh fuck oh shit. i get the mlt file manually from the autosave folder, but the video doesnt have a thumbnail, it didnt split into sections which where i added sound effects, cut the videos, no nothing, no new audio/video tracks, nothing, just a straight line if video.

It looks like you opened the autosaved MLT XML As Clip. When you do that, it will show filename.mlt as one video. That is the intended use of that function. To correct this, just close/restart Shotcut, then Open File of the one you found in the autosave folder.

If you are experiencing frequent crashing, it would be best to name your file the Save, then every so often Save As thus saving revisions of your project, and also creating a backup of your work at the same time. When using Save As, the new file name will be saved when clicking Save.

Don’t drag it to the Timeline directly, which is what appears that you did. That action lets you load a .mlt file as virtual clip or nested project, which is a feature (same as Open MLT XML as Clip). You need to drag it to the player to open as a project or use File > Open or Recent.

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shit, thanks guys, i dragged it before from desktop to the timeline and it worked fine, but thanks again

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