Mlt file not working right

Alright, I am having a bit of trouble with the mlt’s. I saved my thing to an Mlt and reopened it later, so I could change it to MP4, but shotcut just stopped responding. I read that mlt is not actual video it just goes along with the original video, so you need the original to open it. But I have no video, the thing I’m doing is more of a stop motion thing, with pictures and audio. Do I need to have the pictures and audio in the same folder as the mlt? Or did I just screw everything up? I spent over 5 hours on this video and I kinda don’t want it to go to nothing. Thanks.

It’s also 12 minutes, but I’m not sure if the length affects it.

Open your mlt file in Shotcut. Open your Export window.

I can’t open it in shotcut because it stops responding.

Not sure what you’ve changed, but I’m able to open mlt’s without shotcut crashing.
You’re just picking Open File, right?

Yeah, I click open file, then I pick my mlt from my desktop, then I open it, then it crashes.

Is GPU Processing turned off?
It is very experimental at this time.
gpu processing

Yep, it’s off, maybe I just screwed up somehow.

There is only learning what happened and the goal to fix it.
What are your computer specs, and operating system?
What version of Shotcut are you currently running?

I am running the latest version of shotcut. I will try again, hopefully I don’t screw up this time.

mtl is a text file.
It is the cuts and filters and everything that you told ShotCut to do.
you can open it in a text editor and look at it.

you will see the file names of your sources.

If those files don’t exist, or have been moved, then ShotCut should give you a dialog about this. I am a little surprised it crashes.

No. This is not a requirement. If the pictures and audio are in the playlist of shotcut project, that is enough.

True enough provided that you do not move or remove your source assets from their current location. If you do, then the MLT file will be looking in the wrong place.

Salve, scrivo in italiano, ho l’ultima versione di Shotcut, ieri stavo lavorando ad un progetto ed ho salvato più volte il file come mlt, per errore ho staccato la spina sbagliata spengendo bruscamente il computer, ora il file mlt non si apre, Shotcut non risponde, ma è un problema del singolo file, perchè altri file mlt mi si aprono, ho come sistema operativo Windows 10, mi sono accorto che nella stessa cartella si è venuto a creare un file con con lo stesso nome file di quello in questione con estensione .mlt, ma su tipo file leggo SSPZBB, come posso rimediare? Grazie

Google translate:

Hi, I’m writing in Italian, I have the latest version of Shotcut, yesterday I was working on a project and I saved the file several times as mlt, by mistake I unplugged the wrong plug by abruptly turning off the computer, now the mlt file won’t open, Shotcut doesn’t respond, but it’s a problem with the single file, because other mlt files open for me, I have Windows 10 as my operating system, I noticed that in the same folder a file was created with the same file name as the one in question with extension .mlt, but on file type I read SSPZBB, how can I fix it? Thank you

Look for a previous version of the project file in File > Other Versions or File > Show Project in Folder.

Il problema è che se apro il file, il pallino del caricamento gira all’infinito, in quanto Shotcut non risponde, quindi non potendo agire su Shotcut, non posso aprire altre versioni del file.

The problem is that if I open the file, the loading dot runs endlessly, as Shotcut does not respond, so not being able to act on Shotcut, I can not open other versions of the file.


Use the file manager provided by your operating system. Go to where the project file is. Look for other versions. They are simply copies of the project file with a date and time added to the name.

If you cannot locate the project, start Shotcut, locate the project but do not click it. Position the mouse over it, and the full name appears in a tool tip like this


If you do not have any backups made by Shotcut, you are using an old version, or you turned off the feature in Settings > Backup. When the feature was added, it defaults to Daily. Maybe you have a backup made with your external or operating system’s backup. Backup is ultimately your responsibility.

Per sbaglio ho fatto file-backup/salvataggio e ho dato lo stesso nome dato lo stesso nome file del file in questione ed ho sovrascritto il file in questione, mi sono fottuto il file, ho provato a vedere se me lo recuperava con Recuva, ma senza risultato, Shotcut, tu sai dove posso leggere il percorso della directory di salvataggio automatico su Shotcut? Sto scansionando con Wondershare Recoverit e ha trovato tre o quattro file con stesso nome del file in questione, ma con estensione tipo mlt.xxxxx , si può fare qualcosa?