Mixing Audio Tracks from ProRes Split Audio

Hi All,

New to this forum but not new to Shotcut.

When encoding from a ProRes with 5.1 split audio tracks (6 audio tracks) to a MP4 with mixed 6ch single audio track. What is the best approach to accomplish this?

I have been doing the following:

  1. Import video.
  2. Detach Audio from Video
  3. Import the video file as audio track 5 more times (resulting 6 total audio tracks).
  4. Set each audio track property as audio track 1,2,3,4,5,6 from the source video file.
  5. Set each audio track in shotcut to the proper channel (since all of them imported as Center channel only)
  6. Export using mix audio 5.1

Are these the proper steps?
I thought I ask here thinking maybe there is an easier/quicker way?

When selecting which audio tracks from source, I can see “all” as choice.
What does that do?


That includes all of the channels of all of the audio tracks un-mixed. With your example, it will make the clip appear to have a single track with 6 channels. This might be what you are looking for as long it follows the channel order expected for 5.1 (as seen in our peak meter): L, R, C, Lf, Ls, Rs. That could significantly simplify your workflow.


So basically my slow work flow creates the correct mixed 5.1 audio track?

And if I understand you correctly, as long as the audio tracks are in correct order and I select “all” with 5.1 at peak meter, it will take the 1st 6 audio tracks in the expected channel order.
(Extra audio tracks will not be used after #6)
Then, upon export, I should get a properly mixed 5.1 single audio track.

And same can be said about using stereo peak meter and first 2 audio tracks from source…etc.


In theory, yes. But we have not tested this case. If you do some testing, please report your result!