Merci thank you to all

Un grand merci à toute l’équipe des développeurs et à tous les membres de ce forum qui font évoluer shocut.
Grace à vous j’ai pu réaliser un film basé sur un “timelaps” sans utiliser de logiciels payants.
Rawtherapee pour le développement numériques (dérawtisation) et shocut pour la créationdu time laps et le montage final.

A big thank you to all the team of developers and to all the members of this forum who make shocut evolve.
Thanks to you I was able to make a film based on a “timelapse” without using paid software.
Rawtherapee for the digital development (derawtization) and shocut for the creation of the time lapse and the final editing.


Please be aware that your video may be gone in a few months due to how their service operates - not the forum.

Thanks for your warning.
During these few times
Those who are not subscribed to a platform will be able to take advantage of it.

on facebook

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