Mejoras posibles

He hecho mi primer vídeo en Shotcut con 23 clips y muchas fotos. El resultado ha sido bastante bueno, pero después de tres semanas de trabajo, me gustaría solicitar a los desarrolladores las siguientes mejoras (quizá ya estén y yo no lo he sabido utilizar):
. La opción de copiar filtro debería permitir seleccionar los filtros que se desea copiar y no copiar siempre todos los del clip.
. Debería existir una capa de Texto de manera que fueran independientes de los clips, al estilo de Movie Maker. Ahora si se desea que un texto aparezca un cierto tiempo es necesario dividir el clip.
. Unir dos o más clips en uno.
. Las transiciones, para mi es el punto más flojo de Shotcut, hasta el punto que he dejado de usarlas. Cuando creas una transición, esta se vuelve un elemento nuevo, de manera que si la eliminas corta los clips. Cuando me di cuenta de esto, tuve que rehacer mucho trabajo porque todos mis clips estaban cortados.
. La barra de zoom es difícil de controlar, podría tener un campo numérico en que se pudiera elegir el porcentaje de aumento.


I agree with the last two suggestions.
Removing a transition should return the clips to their original state.
The zoom bar is not very practical.
For the first 3 suggestions, why not, but I don’t think it’s indispensable.

Translation to English

I made my first Shotcut video with 23 clips and lots of photos. The result has been quite good, but after three weeks of work, I would like to ask the developers for the following improvements (they may already be there and I haven’t been able to use it):
. The copy filter option should allow you to select the filters you want to copy and not always copy all the filters in the clip.
. There should be a Text layer so that they are independent of clips, Movie Movie Style. Now if you want a text to appear for a certain time it is necessary to divide the clip.
. Join two or more clips into one.
. Transitions, for me is the weakest point of Shotcut, to the point that I have stopped using them. When you create a transition, it becomes a new element, so if you delete it, it cuts the clips. When I realized this, I had to redo a lot of work because all of my clips were cut.
. The zoom bar is difficult to control, it could have a numeric field where you could choose the magnification percentage.

Now if you want a text to appear for a certain time it is necessary to divide the clip.

That is not necessary or advisable. Use text clips or filter trimming instead. There will never be a text layer. If you want a text layer, add a video track, name it Text, and add text clips to it.

The transition is adjustable via the trim handles. Other people will not like it returning to the original state because it does not reflect the most recent adjustment. If and when this is done, it will simply adjust both clips by half the duration of the transition.

Most other things mentioned have already been suggested, and I have no further comment on them at this time.

Thank you for your answers Namna and Dan,
I realize I did not know the existence of text clips and I worked more than necessary. I saw Text in the menu but I didn’t think it was for making a clip.

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